Ayuden enviando este Ticket / Please help us sending this Ticket

Day 1,382, 14:18 Published in Spain Spain by Otaku Master

Dear administrators

We present this ticket to respectfully request that you consider including in eRepublik the nations of Central America, either as a single state or as a separate country.

We believe we can accomplish the requirements to be economically profitable for you, and thus the game becomes more attractive in this region.

We expressed our desire in an article (http://www.erepublik.com/es/article/el-inicio-de-una-lucha-administradores-queremos-ecentroam-rica--1854738/1/20) that has been popular in many countries of the game, which we have joined many Latin American players.

We ask whether we resolve fulfill any requirement in particular, and we arrange to order to fulfill and enjoy a game more attractive as this.

Lamento si existen errores en mi inglés, pero no domino por completo el idioma. Si pueden ayudarnos enviando el Ticket se los agradecería.