[WTP] Our Glorious Website

Day 2,848, 17:18 Published in USA USA by Lucius Q. Cincinnatus

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. To begin, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Lucius Cincinnatus, and I am WTP’s new Media Director, so you will be hearing from me often. 🙂

The focus of this article is the We The People party website, which can only be described as exceptional. With a elegant look and a seamless user interface, the WTP website is perfect for new and experienced users.

The WTP website is also very much the nerve center for the party. The WTP IRC chat and Forum are just a click away, making it possible to transition between the three with ease. Links to important news articles for both the WTP and the greater eUSA are also provided, which allows WTP members to very simply access essential news. In addition, the announcements section also makes it easy for WTP members to be aware of what is going on within the party. These portions of the WTP website allow users to stay involved and become knowledgeable about all things WTP from one location.

The WTP website also aids WTP in being the party in which every member can have his/her own say. The website supports a easily usable voting mechanism, which gives WTP members the ability to voice their opinions on policy and elections via the virtual ballot box.

The direct benefits the website gives don’t stop there either. The website tracks your activity, which allows party leaders to reward your positive behavior based upon points the website gives you for activity.

To cap it all off, a simplistic form for the Whalefare assistance program is available right on the home page. All the user has to do is insert their profile link, and then with one click wellness and weapons are on the way. The ridiculously easy access to a program as helpful as Whalefare is one of the central reasons why the WTP website can do great things for those who use it.

To conclude, the WTP website was truly created by the people and for the benefit of the people. The ease of access and usefulness of the WTP website make it something all other party websites should aspire to. And the path from here is only up, as there are many exciting plans to make the website even greater in the works. Most importantly, the only thing you have to do in order to be able to use this exceptional website to it’s full potential is click the join button on the WTP party page.

We The People Website Link