[WTP] Awesome WTP Programs

Day 2,852, 18:23 Published in USA USA by Lucius Q. Cincinnatus

Hello fellow eCitizens. This is Lucius Cincinnatus again. The topic of this article will be a couple of the great programs that have a big role in making WTP an exceptional party.
As most of you probably know, Whalefare is the WTP citizen assistance program. What you may not know is that Whalefare now gives out eleven hundred wellness and eleven q7 weapons. And each member can get their 1100 food and 11 q7 weapons on a daily basis. Clearly the Whalefare program is hugely beneficial to any WTP member using it, and dwarfs just about any other assistance program in magnitude.
As if the assistance itself weren’t enough, it is insanely easy to collect. All any Whalefare user has to do to receive his or her assistance is to go to the WTP website and input his/her profile link, then click the “Get Supplies” button. That’s it. And to sweeten it even more, the supplies are delivered instantly to your account.
Young Writer’s Program
WTP also has another program that is a great opportunity to players. Called the Young Writer’s Program, this program offers five gold to any WTP member that writes an article of good quality. Keep in mind that each of one of those five units of gold costs $283 on the monetary market. This program provides a compelling incentive for members with literary ability to show off their abilities for in a way that benefits them and the party.

It is programs like these that greatly benefit WTP members and make it an exceptional party. No other party can quite compare with the benefits and assistance offered by WTP. Remember, all you have to do to gain access to these programs and their rewards is click the join button on the WTP party page.