[WHPR] Day 1363 Poles Not Allowed

Day 1,363, 17:29 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dear Sweet America,

Through the resolute efforts of our armed forces, the intrepid assistance of our allies, and the timely entry of Ireland into the war, the Poles have been completely eradicated from American soil. With a major TERRA offensive against them in France, Poland is unlikely to be making a return to the American stage in the near future.

With the closing of the Polish front comes a renewed focus on Spanish held territories. Victories in Kentucky and Spain could easily turn the tide of war against the dirty rotten, no-good, pig stealing Spaniards and pave the road to a sovereign America.

The Cerb Administration would like to thank the United States Armed Forces, OWLS, Seal Team 6, EZ Company, Bad Company, and the JCSF, as well as our allies in EDEN and TERRA for their assistance during this war. Through our joint efforts we have fought back from the brink of total annihilation to a position of strength. Your contributions have not been forgotten, and you are all deeply appreciated.

The White House-led effort to create an eNational Public Radio system came to a head yesterday with the debut episode of the eNPR radio show. Hosted by Civil Anarchy and Soren Nelson, the radio show was a great success! Topics of discussion included

* eUS international relations, Terra happenings, and the new developments of the Regional Director program
* Current events review - CBO debacle, Terra prioritizing, Ireland's crusade, and the USWP-AMP debacle
* Discussion about the future of the USWP, and USWP-AMP/JCS-USAF relations

The eNPR will host their next episode thWednesday at 1900 eRep. If you'd like to listen live be sure to visit #eNPR on irc.rizon.net to join in on the discussion!

Today's Cabinet Member Babe comes to us from deershark. The personal favorite of our Director of Ambassadorial Affairs, Krystal Forscutt makes a nice addition to the WHPR.

If you would like to join the Administrative Team, apply here: Application to serve.

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- Department of Defense Orders, from the Department of Citizen Orders

Not in a Military Unit or Militia? Then you’re doing it wrong
US Armed Forces
Seal Team 6
Easy Company
Training Corps

- The Canine Tribune, President Cerb’s paper

Stay classy, America,
Necros Xiaoban
White House Press Secretary