[USWP] Plans and Philosophy

Day 2,556, 08:16 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.

Thank you again to the United States Workers Party for their support in the recent election. We've hit the ground running, and already have made some progress on multiple fronts. With Congressional elections coming up, please do message me and/or post in this thread if you are interested in serving.

I've recently opened some threads on our boards, one simply titled 'Be amusing', which is where people have been posting up interesting facts, pictures, stories, videos, whatever, which they think the rest of us will enjoy. Every few days, and at least once a week, I will go through the recent posts and distribute various prizes for the posts which I personally find most amusing and/or interesting.

Another thread is where I want to hear from our membership regarding what they have been thinking about the game, what they would like to see done, and what they want to be doing themselves. This way I, and future party leaders, can know what the party is thinking and feeling when making plans. If you can't see the thread in question, you need to request access to our party boards here.

I have begun working with Delyruin to help him with our recruitment efforts. He and his team will continue their work to bring in new members to the party, and I thank them for doing this generally overlooked and thankless job. If you are interested in helping with this department, contact Delyruin and he will get you set up. It's not difficult, but it does require that you take a bit of time, and that you remember to complete the tasks for which you have volunteered.

Recently a number of articles about the various political parties Americans can choose from have been written. I won't link to them all, as I don't feel like going and finding a bunch of links nobody who hasn't already read the articles will click, but if you missed them and want to read them, they're still there.

I mention this because I want to be clear on what the USWP is all about. We are, by any objective measure, the most successful American party in the history of this game. There are few parties worldwide who have accomplished the things USWP has, and we should all take pride in our place in this game. I say this to underscore a very important aspect of what it means to be a member of this party.

We work hard. I know that, given our name, that sounds redundant...but it is an important aspect of who we are. We understand that not everyone can pour hours each day into a browser game, nor is it expected of the entire membership, but those who have climbed up through this party have done so on merit alone. Promotions and advancement doesn't come from being anything but dedicated to getting done whatever it is you have set yourself to do.

We are not a party that gives out participation trophies. This isn't tee-ball. Come at us with good ideas, and you'll be a big part of things. We want to be the first people you bring those ideas to, so we can help you present them in the best way possible. Many things in this game have been tried. Many of those things have failed. There is value in historical perspective, and we want to provide that to our newer members. This way they, and our party, can be as successful as possible.

Members, and non-members, should remember to pass by the Fast Forward thread to get their hands on some free stuff. We are currently evaluating the program, and I hope to expand the allotment each person requesting receives soon.

Before I wrap up, if anyone has need of me, don't hesitate to message. If I can help with something, I shall. Until when next we meet;

I remain,


USWP Party President