[USWP] Congress Candidature

Day 2,195, 15:42 Published in USA Poland by Wild Owl

Greetings America,

Before a certain change in the political module, citizens were allowed to contest for Congress regionally instead of priority wise and Congressional spam and articles were the order of the day in this part of the month. For better or for worse, Plato’s changes seem to have changed that for good, as we now have a prioritised Congress list ingame which has coincided with decreased Congressional articles.

Coming back to the purpose of this article, I’d like to candidate for Congress from the United States Workers Party. I will meet quorum and work with other Congressmen to pass the Budget in a timely banner. I intend to support the Executive fully in matters of Foreign Affairs and to support the United States Armed Forces to my full capacity as a Congressman. You can count on me to vote timely on all ingame laws, and use my CS passes only for ATO purposes.

This is probably an unremarkable article for candidacy but given the limitations which game mechanics place upon aspiring Congressmen, its one of the most realistic ones you’ll see this term.


Wild Owl