[USA] To Do List for the upcoming World War

Day 601, 03:48 Published in USA Hungary by Shaok

Greetings from Hungary. Honouring the longtime friendship between our nations I put a little list together to help you in the next days. So what should you do?

First of all:

Don't panic! It makes no sense as your country will be conquered anyway but panicing would cause severe damage - you could even get a heart attack(!) and believe me: noone wants this to happen.

Pay your taxes!- so you can be sure that - by the income tax rates set to 30% - the population won't make any profit and your money will be used only by some chosen friends of the Presi....eer I mean by the best available soldiers. This way with the minimalization of overall damage output the war will be over real fast and you can return to a more peacefully life.

Buy American products! It's important to buy American products - we will do the same to sweep out the US market completely!

Move out of regions with Q5 hospitals! Okay, maybe it sounds weird for the first hear but it's more then logical, believe me. This regions will be conquered first destroying all infrastructure - including hospitals - and because of the war status you will have to use two moving tickets to return back to US instead of one! Preferred regions to move in are the ones in the middle of the country because they will be conquered last, such as: Iowa and Missouri.

Fight to defend your homeland but take care of your wellness! Okay now that you moved to a region with a Q1 hospital you can only fight once a day. However it doesn't really make a diffence as you are a good taxpayer and wouldn't have money for weapons either and even if: there are no products on the market.

Buy gold! Use your last dollars to buy gold and burn them by purchasing wellness packs. Keeping USD would be a mistake because after the disappearing of the USA from the worldmap the currency will be worthless. Alternatively you could buy other currencies such as IDR, HUF, PTE, RUB, FRF to make sure you can buy products from your local market after the war ends.

Enjoy! Just like the way we will.