[UKPP] Update: Recruiting & CP Election

Day 1,906, 11:52 Published in United Kingdom Netherlands by lancer450

Hello fellow UKPP’ers and fellow eUK’ers,

A lot has occurred over the past few days and I felt the need to update everybody. Let’s get started…


The UKPP is growing fast! With the help of BigAnt, Saiwun, Sir Nick, and the rest of the recruitment team, we have seen our numbers swell over the past couple of weeks. We are the fastest growing party in the eUK right now and we are comfortably the largest party as well with a total of 281 members. I commend and give thanks to the recruitment team – you guys have done a fantastic job and have made this possible.

A simple explanation as to why the UKPP is able to attract and retain players is that the UKPP is the party of the new player. We don’t have decisions made “behind closed doors” as some might say. Instead, we favour a transparent and democratic approach through things like party balloting and party conferences to form/change party policies. Your age, strength, wealth, etc. are not what matters in the UKPP. Anybody can thrive in the UKPP with commitment, activity, and a desire to succeed. The UKPP is a party that is unwavering in our support of new players and is resolute in giving them a chance to get involved whilst also giving older players, with the same dedication and commitment, the same opportunity. The UKPP is a party of fairness and is devoted to giving everyone a shot.

I am confident that the UKPP’s dedication to championing and assisting new players as well as promoting inclusive progress will continue on despite what some of its detractors may say or believe. We will progress together! UKPP for a better tomorrow!

Come and get involved! Join the UKPP today!

CP Election

On the 5th of February, we had the monthly presidential election. It was an extremely close race throughout the day. Our candidate, Richard Feist, and his main competition, 5butjam, traded places multiple times. Both ran fantastic campaigns. In the end, Richard Feist was elected with a margin of victory of 0.9%. I give Richard my sincerest congratulations and wish him luck. I’m sure he will be a wonderful, hardworking Country President and will make the UKPP proud.

This means, for the third time in eRepublik history, a UKPP candidate won the Country President election! Thanks to all who voted for him and supported his campaign.

A special thanks to WayneKerr, Igor Pankry, Sambo112, Sir Nick, and a few others that helped during the presidential campaign.

Congratulations Richard Feist on winning the CP election!

That’s all for this update. Thanks for reading.

Hail the UKPP!
Hail the eUK!


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