[TTH] Revenge is best when served cold...

Day 2,843, 07:31 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone
Join the Civil War in Thailand!
Pad Thai This
One ~Metallica

Gooooood Morning, Thailand!

Wake the F--K up! America is here to stick it to you MotherF--kers! At around 0800 hours eRepublik time the Bear Cavalry exploded a 20 Mega Ton Nuclear device in Kota Kinabalu, followed closely by the insertion of BCs Blackwater Shock Troops of the 4th Regiment. Last year you pri--s decided to Air Strike (AS) America on a National Day of Mourning, on a day when in the Real World America was attacked by real life terrorist and 2000+ real life American's died. Today it is time to pay the Piper and the Bear Cavalry is here to collect.

To the 'eUSA Forum meta government' leaders. It is Bear Cavalry's hope that this swift kick to the berries will help you f--kers grow a pair. It is time you stopped thinking of only yourselves and start thinking of the Citizen Soldiers of this Nation. America has been waiting a FN year for you to seek revenge, now we have taken the matter into our own hands and delivered the first blow.

Join the fight America! Help BC exact revenge!

America! By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Worvan, you shall be avenged!
Strength & Honor!

Join the People's party the Socialist Freedom Party and help bring about change.
Join the People's forums, Socialist Freedom Party Forum and have your say without being trolled.
Join the Bear Cavalry and volunteer to fight for freedom across the World.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em...
...it's 4:20 somewhere.

Comrade Franklin Stone
Editor-In-Chief and Pontificator of Tin Hattery
Bear Cavalry, 1st Regiment, 'The Black Hand'
Committee of Correspondence
Socialist Freedom Party
C'est la vie, mon chéri....