[SHIELD] Stepping in and Stepping up

Day 2,302, 20:55 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

After an unsuccessful run for CP, I anticipated a lazy month. No National job, and no Party job were waiting for me. That however was not meant to be. Within the space of an hour I was promoted to XO then CO of SHIELD by the retiring Mourningstar. SHIELD is an MU that has a great deal of things going for it. As CO my self appointed task is to shine a light on what we have to offer.

The first thing we offer is a very generous supply drop. Those who commune are offered an initial drop of 1000 Health and 12 tanks. A resupply is also available to those who request it. We're the official MU of the Federalist Party, but any and all are welcome. We don't exclude based on party, strength, or citizenship. In short if you want to join up we want to welcome you!

SHIELD is nearing it's 1 year anniversary. In that time it's been built into an extremely solid MU. During the recent national MU contest we were pleased to place third in the nation in both D1 and D3. The goal isn't to reinvent the wheel, but to consolidate and build upon the foundation that has been built. My hope is to inject energy and positivity into SHIELD.

Now for some information you can join SHIELD here, once you join go to our forums to request SHIELD access here, once you have SHIELD access go here, and last but not least our IRC channel is #SHIELD. All this access can be yours all you have to do is ask.