[RB] Interview with CP, Nohjis

Day 1,534, 18:36 Published in Belgium Ireland by mudduck95

Dear eBelgian citizens,

I on the behalf of Res Belgica asked our wonderful Country President for an interview. Of course, our loving CP Nohjis said yes. I asked him several different questions but most of them were about him being president.

First question: Why did you choose Res Belgica over the others?

A: I chose Res Belgica for the people, the spirit of compromise, and a strong involvement in eBelgian politics.

That is very understandable, everyone loves eBelgian politics in Res Belgica.

Question number two: What made you choose to become CP?

A: After MaryamQ's term I felt there was still a need for a moderate CP. There was a need to bring back work and content in political debates. While the first half of my term mostly had people working only in the government, I do feel the new congress is off to a great start when it comes to content in the debate section.

Wise words Nohjis! Everyone should be involved, it is the best of eBelgium. Please come and join the eBelgium National Forum here.

Third question: What was the biggest thing that you have accomplished in the month of January?

A: My personal biggest accomplishment was setting a new record damage in a campaign. While the government has accomplished a lot of great things, I don't see these as personal accomplishments. If I were to pick one specific government performance that I am particularly proud of, it would be the activity stimulated by MoHA, through MoFUN, research work and the proposal of new programs for the citizens.

Yes our MoHA team has done great work. Thank you MoHA.

Fourth question: Are you happy with your cabinet?

A: No, I'm very happy with the cabinet! All the ministers and secretaries, without exception, have put in a lot of effort and time in making this government a success.

Don't you love it when they do that? I know I do!

Fifth question: If you could change one thing what would it be?

A: The new wallpaper in the government offices...HA. On a more serious note, I would probably simplify the handling of state finances.

I know the wallpaper is ugly! MaryamQ must have done it. A little to girlie for my taste.

Sixth question: What made you decide to run again?

A: I've enjoyed helping out eBelgium this month and would like to continue working with a focus on another department next month. As we are now finalizing the new programs in congress, just like the national lottery, I would like to see to bringing these projects into place.

Lottery? You mean we can make money? No way! So if you want to make money all you have to do in get on the forum and go to the Minister of Fun tab and click on National Events & Etc. Everyone needs to come and play. Hey, you might win!

Seventh question: What are you going to do in the month of February?

A: Next month will have its focus on both finance and defense. I hope that I can set some new and fun challenges for these departments!

Fun? I do not think Finance and Defense can have fun challenges but I guess you will surprise me.

Final question: Are you keeping the same cabinet? If not who are you changing and to who?

A: There might be some minor changes in the cabinet but before this I would like to discuss with the current ministers to see if they themselves wish to continue their jobs or would like a change

That is a good way to attack that. Well thank you Mr. President Sir for allowing this time out of your busy schedule to have this interview with me!

Well that is how Nohjis is going to attack next month. Hope everyone sees that Res Belgica and Nohjis want the best for Belgium.

Just remember to vote! So vote for Nohjis!

Thanks for listening,
Mudduck out!