[PCP] Meeting!

Day 1,999, 06:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Abraxaas

Greetings Comrades!

I would like to arrange an IRC meeting on #pcp.private(PM me for pass) at 8pm RL time Wednesday 15th, at this meeting we will discuss:

1. Congress, what we would like to do for the upcoming congress elections and find out who would like to run.

2. Communes, find ways in which we can improve our WRM production to expand the communes and help new members.

3. Competitions, I would like to set up a weekly or even small daily competition with the winner(s) getting either CC's or Q7's and other in-party funz 😃

Welcome Back!!!

Very happy to be welcoming back to the ranks of the PCP 4 of our older players bamber, Sir Botham, Aces man and bowen199

Hopefully the wealth of experience they have will help us gain some ground in the coming weeks.

Thats all for now but I hope to see as many of you as possible in IRC on Wednesday!!