【NK Daily】 Day 1946 晨报

Day 1,946, 18:05 Published in North Korea China by KevinYu

1. eCroatia votes to leave EDEN 克克公投离开鹅蛋

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Law proposals

Leave Alliance

Proposed by Mate Lula, 1 hours ago

A law to leave Erepublik Defence & Economy Network alliance has been proposed.

Now the result is 8 Yes : 2 No. Seems they are leaving without any doubt. Is this the last straw that breaks the camel's back?

Anyway, good luck to EDEN, the oldest alliance. Besides, where eChina should go?

2. The headless chicken update a little in the war module? 无法查看非直接参与战场的BH list

After wake up from my dream, I found it's not able to view the BH list other than the wars you can directly join. Should I fly blind to the battle for a BH from now on?

Oh, NO!

3. The tank giveaway 派包进行中,感谢苦力Tubeed

My friend Tubeed already started this job for me. Be patient for you little gift and thank you so much for your wishes.