[MoFA] No more congress.

Day 2,444, 09:49 Published in Egypt Cuba by Bartulieber

Catalan in regular, English in italic

Benvolguts conciutadans,
Greetings citizens

Com alguns ja sabeu, Grècia ens ha llençat un NE, es a dir, ha decidit declarar-nos la guerra. Actualment i previsiblement la votació sortirà positiva i ens atacaran. El congressista ioghurt en concret que l'ha llençat és un vell conegut meu i d'alguns de vosaltres, asoee. Va ser MoFA grec en el meu anterior mandat en exteriors, i els dos varem presentar un Pacte de no agressió i per tenir una regió, on ells ens pagaven pel lloguer 4500cc al mes. El congrés d'aquell moment va rebutjar el tracte tot i que es recomanava acceptar de cara a millorar-ho en el futur a curt termini. Algun dels congressistes que van votar a favor ho va esmentar. Es va fer una gran campanya pel No, ja que es considerava que era una falta de respecte i que els catalans ens mereixiem més que la quixalla que ens donaven. Els grecs estaven d'acord i anaven a signar. Es van sorprendre que no s'acceptés.
As many of you know, Greece has launched a NE, it means that they decided to declare the war. At the moment, the vote seems positive and they will attack us. The yoghurt congressman who launched this law, is well known from some players and me, asoee. He was greek MoFA in my last term of Foreign Affairs, and both presented a non-agression pact. We would have a region and 4500cc for the rent of the other regions. The congress of the months rejected the pact, the advice of the MoFA was to accept it. Some of the congressman pointed that in short term, it would be good. There was a big campaign for the No, because some considered it was disrespectful and the catalans (not the eEgyptians) deserve more than junk. The greeks were agree and signed it. They were surprised we won't accept the deal.
Doncs bé, després de més de 6 mesos d'aquell moment que podria haver estat un punt d'inflexió, hem tingut regions, congrés i hem gaudit de certa tranquil·litat. Quan aquest sentiment d'haver-nos alliberat s'ha esvaït, ja s'ha començat a declarar la guerra a tort i dret. La conseqüència de tots aquests NE ha estat que semblava que demanéssim l'eutanàsia. Des del MoFA es va recomanar no llençar-ne cap com tampoc votar positivament, però el mal ja estava fet.
So, after 6 months since this moment, wich could be a turning point, we have regions, congress and have some calm. When this feeling to be liberated has gone, the war has been declared in many ways. The consequences of all these NE was that seemed us asking for euthanasia. From the MoFA was recomended to don't send any nor vote positive, but the damage was already done.
Ara els ioghurts, ens miren amb desconfiança i no volen que un insecte els pugui molestar en el futur (aixi es com ens van anomenar al rebutjar el pacte-abans esperaven tenir relacions cordials i van acceptar anomenar el Caire com Al Igual).
Now the yoghurts, are looking us with lack of confidence and don't want an insect distub their future (that's like they called us after rejecting the pact - before they seek for cordial relations and accepted to call Cairo as Al Igual).
Jo ja em veig els comentaris de que "això ja sabíem que passaria", "hauriem d'haver atacat quan podiem", "la culpa és de l'inútil-tovejador-lladre-espanyolista-etc del MoFA",... la història de sempre. La culpa dels demés. Jo assumeixo la meva part de culpa que és la de no poder transmetre que les lleis del congrés ingame són serioses, molt serioses. La resta ja sabrà que ha fet malament, i si creuen que no, s'equivoquen.
In a short term, we could read comments like "we know this is going to happen", "we had to attack when we could", "the fail is from the useless-tover-thieve-spanish-etc MoFA",... the same history as allways. The fail is from the others. I share my part of blame that was to don't tramsmit that the laws of the ingame congress are serious, very serious. The others will know what they failed, and if they think not, are wrong.
Doncs bé, tornem a tenir tancat l'estat, sense possibilitats actuals de tenir regió el mes que ve. Molta casualitat que jo fos el MoFA l'últim cop que varem tenir congrés i l'actual... Entremig no he ostentat cap càrrec en cap govern.
Finally, we have the country closed again, without possibilites to have region in the next month. Lot of luck I'd been the MoFA the last time we had congress and the one of this month... Meanwhile I hadn't have any goverment position.

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