[MoFA] Message from Serbian Ambassador

Day 1,825, 10:51 Published in Austria Hungary by lazo

Hello Austria!

The Serbian ambassador, eSerbon asked me to publish his article. I fulfill his request gladly, and I hope the relation between our countries will be stronger and will live long.

Here is the article:

Dear people of eAustria, I am new eSerbian ambassador in eAustria, Serbia have new program of ambassads, for improvment her reputation in eWorld.
I came here to make better and stronger relations between our two contries, to continue our friendship.
Also, I'm here to listen all problems and suggestions who are related to Serbia. I'll be ready to try to solve them if they are in my power.
If you have anything to ask, please ask me.

Liebe Leute von Oesterreich, Ich bin der neue eserbische Botshafter in eOsterreich.
Serbien hat einen neuen Botshafts-Program, fuer die verbesserung seine reputation in der eWelt.
Ich bin hierher gekommem um die Beziehungen zwischen unsere Laendern besser und staerker zu machen, und unsere Freundschaft fort zu setzen.
Ich will alle Problemen anhoeren, und loesen wass ich nur kann.
Wenn Sie etwas zu fragen haben, fragen Sie mich bitte.
Wir machen unsere Freundschaft besser! o7

Serbian Ambassador

Long live eSerbia and eAustria!

Minister of Foreign Affairs