[MoFA]Ireland and the Alliance that Never Was

Day 1,954, 03:00 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

Hello and welcome to yet another news article from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! Again we will look over the last few days to see just what has happened all over the eWorld, though for all you waiting for next audio update, you'll have to wait another few days!

So to start, I'll talk a bit about our seemingly favourite topic of this term; Ireland and our wars. We've gone from a training war, to a real war and now back to a training war again for the next few days. Thankfully for our nation we ranked a whole 20 places higher than Ireland on the eGov damage rankings over the course of the war and managed to keep a foothold within the country while Ireland spent all their money hand-over-fist on mercenaries trying to defend themselves. It's at this point I should reiterate why we were at war. It was not, as some seem to claim, because of their NE of Spain that caused us to go to war though it didn't pass - though it was a part of it. The reason we went to war is because MUFC, the Irish CP, and the rest of his government refused to even try to quell these kinds of proposal. Not stop these proposals happening, just make attempts to. He refused and we decided it was in ours and our allies’ best interests to intervene to try and prevent congress doing these things. To quote myself in my last article:

I've since seen proponents of MUFC say that it's not his fault and he can't force congress to do what he wants - which is very true, I won't say otherwise - but what they all seem to completely look over is the fact we were not asking him to force congress to do something, we asked for him to just try. Had he tried, we would be fine and not be formally attacking. And so, for those who are saying we're attacking because of "retarded congress", it's not true we are attacking because those in charge choose to refuse to do even the slightest thing to change things - those in charge to refuse to even care.

I'm pleased to say that a new congress has been voted in which has given MUFC some vigour to try to keep congress contained for this month meaning that we no longer have any reason to be at war with Ireland as we considered our war goals met. Over the past couple of days we've spoken to the Irish government to try to wind down the last few days of this NE by finishing our original training war and then voting a no NE proposal to end all hostilities, good or bad. Unfortunately this hasn't been the only controversial thing going on in Ireland of late.

I'll start by quoting myself in my last article again where I spoke about why we were a little frustrated with Irelan😛

This all started with the recent decision to start a referendum in Ireland on which the people decided which alliance to join - opting for a cluster of countries in South America which isn't an alliance thus far.

Yes, MUFC and his government decided to create a referendum for which alliance it wished to join. One of the options on the vote was to join CUA which even at the time wasn't an alliance which sparked a little outrage as to why it was included. Recently I have myself been speaking to Argentina - one of the main members which make up the name of the group - who alerted me to the fact that CUA was in fact not going to become an alliance and instead would remain a defensive brotherhood. They have released their charter, agreed by Columbia, Uruguay, Argentina and Ireland, stating as such official. This has caused quite the stir in Ireland with people questioning the legality of the vote in the first place. I won’t keep going on about Ireland but you can read all about this here in Marcus Suridius's article.

Last but not least is some news from within our very own alliance, TWO. Following their continued assault into the Russian tundra, they've had to delay attacking China. This bit them in the bum when a congress member in Poland managed to propose a no NE law before China could be targeted. Due to the fact that no other NE law could be proposed, this essentially handed China initiative to attack first during their own time zones giving China an early advantage in this war in the south east. We'll keep an eye on things for the next few days and report back with any changes!

I featured on Madacaion and 5Butjam’s radio show this week and I talked a little about our situation with Ireland, so give it a read here!

Happy Easter and see you on the other side,

Minister of Foreign Affairs