[MoE] Philosophy of Education

Day 2,618, 02:12 Published in Austria Austria by exkrementensammler

As education has evolved, so has the philosophy of education. In the beginning, the philosophy was simple: We'd have more hunter-gatherers if they stopped getting eaten by tigers. In later times, the philosophy changed to align itself with: We'd have less trouble with the serfs if they thought that being poor was the key to Heaven.

In modern times, the philosophy of education became: If we can instill in the youth the essence of the old, they will skip their troublesome exploratory, rebellious days and become good workers faster.

Aligned with this, the fundamental purposes of modern education include:

1. Educating young people to become responsible, mechanical, and reliable citizens.
2. Keeping a status-quo in every practical field depends upon having individuals who are relieved of their creative burdens, and set free to do the mechanical work that a modern society requires.
3. One's individual development and the capacity to fulfill society's purpose for you depends upon an adequate preparation in childhood. Education thus can attempt to give a firm foundation for the achievement of societal goals. The better the foundation that is built, the more successful the society will be.

With these fundamental purposes in mind, modern society began a revolution of educational methodology in the mid-to-late 1800s. From this revolution sprung a number of modern educational systems, most of which still exist today.

Harzakc, MD
Minister of Education