[MoD] Official Ministry of Defence Orders - Defend Malaysia!

Day 734, 23:08 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Defence- SA
One minute ago two Malaysian regions were attacked, Sabah and Sarawak.


All citizens fight here: SARAWAK BATTLE.

Attempt to hold fire to last log-in of the day, in case Indonesia attacks another more important region. Fight NORMALLY, fight 5 times each day and heal with Q5 hospital. If you have enough money to do so, fight with weapons- just Q1 should do for now. Follow the fighting and berserking guides released as follows:

Fighting: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mod-official-ministry-of-defence-article-how-to-fight-1-1024456/1/20

Finally, VOTE THIS ARTICLE to the top! We are relying on you!

Orders will be updated throughout the day.

Reasoning for defending Sarawak:
We are expected to defend these two regions very easily, as we have done before, with walls of up to 5,000,000 by the end of this battle. This is merely a procedure to ensure that Indonesia do NOT take a high wood region off of Malaysia, which is essential to our allies.

-Maddog Jones