[MoD] Citizen Orders - Day 1,213 - TW Southern Netherlands

Day 1,213, 06:14 Published in Belgium Belgium by Belgian Investment Bank


The War Games between eBE and the eNL are going well ! After having attacked South NL, the eNL have attacked Wallonia, a battle that we have won, as planned. We are now able to attack South NL again, and to continue these training wars. The battle will be launch in one hour, around 07.10 erep time (we are waiting for their NE proposal to be accepted...

(click on the image to enter in the battle !)

Don't forget that Wallonia will be attacked tomorow ! And that we have to secure this battle, to not loose a region. Don't waste damages/health/foods/guns today and be ready to fight "hard" tomorow ! Today, don't overfight, and enjoyed the party prepared for us by the eNL, sit at the pool and relax !

Click on the picture for an bigger image (thanks Antiko 😛)

We need to lose this battle. This way, the eNetherlands won’t lose a region, and they will gain initiative. They will be able to attack Wallonia later. A war they will have to lose too, for the same reasons that I explained before. This Training War is a kind of a ping-pong war... It’s important to remember that the attacking country has to always lose his battles to not conquer a region !

For more information about the Training War between eBelgium and the eNetherlands, check the Government’s announcement here ...

Little reminder

Fighting 101 : an excellent tutorial made by Vulcain !

Always remember...

If the wall is at 60% or higher for Belgium and her allies, wait if you can for the next 2 hours round. Always remember, do not fight more than you can afford. If you are not sure what to do, or you get yourself in trouble, please follow the directions found here: [url=http://www.erepbelgium.com[/url] or on official IRC channel.

Soldiers of the Belgian Army, orders are on the Forum. If orders have not been updated and this is your last login for the day, follow Citizen Orders. If you’re not in the Belgian Army and you want to join, you first need to register on the Belgian Forum and introduce yourself. Once you got your citizen mask you'll find a topic to sign up for the army in the military section.

Stay tuned for military updates and don’t forget to subscribe to this newspaper.

President of eBelgium

Note : this article will be edited by the Minister of Defense later in the day.