[Kravenn]Kupa e re e botes(finalja) : donacionet ne ushqim dhe arme (SQ/EN)

Day 2,424, 12:31 Published in Albania Greece by Kravenn

Përkthimi u mundësua nga: Endritt Zekka
Pershendetje eShqiptar te nderuar

Sot,do ju shkruaj lidhur me garen qe po zhvillohet tani(Kupa e re e botes:finalja)
Adminet vendosen se nese arrin nje cak atehere fiton 25 pike force,nese arrin 10% me shume se caku(110😵:ju merrni 10 gold

Keto jane shperblimet individuale

Per mendimin tim,eshte nje e cila eshte e lehte per tu arritur dhe me te vertete do ju ndihmoj;pra eshte 110%
Pse ? sepse fitoni 10 gold.
Dhe me 10 gold mund te beni shume gjera:
- eshte pothuajse kostoja totale e permiresimit te nje qendreje te stervitjes nga kualiteti 1 ne ate 2 (gjate zbritjeve)
- eshte rreth 33% e kostos se permiresimit te nje qendreje te stervitjes nga kualiteti 2 ne ate 3 (gjate zbritjeve)
- eshte kostoja e krijimit te nje kompanie te ushqimit apo armeve(Q1)
- eshte kostoja e nje miniere alumini apo pellg peshku
- eshte pothuajse kostoja totale e permiresimit te nje fabrike nga kualiteti 1 ne ate 2

Ideja ime eshte :
Tu ndihmojme juve te arrini 110%.Posa ta keni marre shperblimin:mbajeni goldin dhe investojeni ne qendrat e stervitjes (zbritja e rradhes)

Eshte plan i mire per ju dhe 100% i sigurt.Duke e permiresuar nje qender te stervitjes : do te fitoni me shpejt medaljen “ushtar i fuqishem” dhe do beni me shume demtim ne fushebeteja.

Sa goditje per te arritur cakun

Adminet vendosen se per te arritur 100% duhen: 750 goditje me Q7 (tek nderrimi i dites 8 korrik)
Ne te njejten kohe eshte eshte 500 goditje me Q7 me 50% perforcues demtimi (tek nderrimi i dites 8 korrik)

disa nga ushqimi yne

Si planifikoj tu ndihmoj?
Vendosa tu jap maksimumi 300 Q3 ushqim,por ne te njeten kohe ka edhe disa kerkesa

Ju duhet te:
- te keni shtetesi shqiptare (ose i lidhur me komunitetin shqiptar)
- te jesh ne divizionin e pare
- me tregoni progresin tuaj te tanishem,diqka si kjo: http://prntscr.com/40z4x8
Ne kete ss me duhet te shoh daten e tanishme,dhe progresin tuaj(nese veq e keni mberri 110% => oferta ime nuk vlen me per ju)

Nese i plotesoni te tri kerkesat :ju lutem plotesojeni kete formular( http://tinyurl.com/m6dvduv ) dhe do merrni nje pako ushqimore ne oret ne vijim.Dhe sepse me pelqen komuniteti shqiptar: jap edhe 2 arme Q7 dhe 10 q2 per cdo formular valid te plotesuar.

me nje lojtar te ri para se ta arrinte cakun prej 110%

Nje gje e fundit
Eshte nje fitore e dyfisht sepse duke iu dhuruar ate ushqim:ju do te luftoni pak me shume dhe rrjedhimisht me shume gold do marrim si shperblim kolektiv(qe do te shkoj ne llogarine e shtetit)

Ndonje pyetje?Lirisht mund te me kontaktoni ne mesazh privat 🙂


Hello my dear eAlbanians

Today, I’m writing to you following the current admin contest (New World Cup : the final)
Admins decided that if you reach the milestone : you win 25 strength, If you reach 10% more than the milestone (aka 110😵 : you gain 10G …

These are the individual rewards

In my opinion, there is one who can be easily won and will really help you is the 110% ?
Why ? because you win 10G.
And with 10G : you can do lot of things.
- it's almost an upgrade of a training grounds from Quality 1 to quality 2 (during promo)
- it's around 33% of an upgrade of a Training grounds from Quality 2 to Quality 3 (during promo)
- it's the cost to create a food or weapon company (Quality 1)
- it's the cost of an aluminium mine or a fishery
- it's almost the cost for an upgrade from quality 1 to quality 2 for a food or weapon company

My idea is the next one :
Helping you to reach the 110% milestone. Once you have the reward : Keep the gold and invest them on Training grounds (on next promo).

For you, it's a good plan and 100% safe. By upgrade a training grounds : you will gain faster a super soldier medal and you will inflict more damages on the battlefield.

How many hits to reach the milestone ?

Admin decided that 100% milestone = 750 Q7 hits (at day change of July 8 ).
On the same time : It’s also 500 Q7 hits with 50% booster (at day change of July 8 ).

Some of our foods

How I plan to help you ?
I decided to give you max 300 Q3 but on the same time, there is some requirements

You need to
- have albanian citizenship (or linked with albanian community)
- be in division 1
- Show me a screenshot of your current progress like this one http://prntscr.com/40z4x8
On this screenshot : I need to see the current date and your current progress (if you are higher than 110% => my offer is expired).

If you fill the 3 requirements : Please fill the following form ( http://tinyurl.com/m6dvduv ) and you will receive a food package on the following hours. And because I like eAlbanian community : I add 5 Q7 tanks and 10 Q2 for every valid form filled

With a young citizen before reaching the 110% milestone

Last thing
It's also a win-win deal because by offering you that food : you will also fight a bit more and the direct consequence will be to add more gold on the collective reward (who will go to country accounts).

Any question ? feel free to send me a Private message 🙂

See ya,