[Joshua Morriseau] It has Been my Honor

Day 1,908, 15:24 Published in Netherlands Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Some of you may have noticed my recent absence in politics and even media. I have been slowly doing less and less and didn't even take up a job in the new government. That is because recently I made the decision to pack my bags and leave the Netherlands. The recent fighting as well as old quarrels are my reason for leaving. I just don't want to be around that anymore and put myself or others through it. I found that I really just wasn't happy playing erepublik in the Netherlands anymore. So better I leave the Netherlands than leave erepublik altogether.

I don't want you to think that because of this I no longer love the Netherlands or the people here because that is just the opposite. I have made a lot of friends here and I know I will keep them when I leave and I have fought very hard since day one of me being here for the Netherlands and her interests. I also hope that by me leaving that could also possibly open up new friendships with people in other party's who I have had bad blood with in the past and have been rivals with in terms of politics. I will seek to finish out my term in Congress and I will stay active on the forums and help out when I am needed.

I know that you guys are in good hands. van Spijck is seeking the PP bid in the upcoming elections and I know he will do a fine job. I'm leaving you with very strong numbers and you will only continue to rise. Since I was elected as PP I led you guys to always taking the most votes in every Congress elections as well as claiming the #1 party spot in terms of number but you don't need me to keep on doing that. I wouldn't have decided to leave knowing that I was leaving you in a bad position. I have helped bring in the next generation who will keep GPN alive and stong. I want to thank you guys for putting your trust in me for four consecutive terms. Together we built GPN into the dominate political party and I know I will continue to see great things come from you in the future.

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So the question on everybody's mind...where will I go?

If you guessed Poland you were wrong, but if you guessed the bright and sunny nation of South Africa you were most definitely right! It's just to cold here, the Dutch winter got to me. I need to go get my tan on. I'm pretty much ready to go and have put in my application over a week ago all that's left is to actually move and apply for cs.

My time here was short compared to some but I hope it was impact full none the less. To everybody in the Netherlands whether we were friends, rivals or even enemies. Thank you, It has been my honor.

Friendly Regards,

Joshua Morriseau
ssMoFA x2
Advisor to MoFA x1
Congress Member x3
CP x1
Ambassador to Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, South Africa
Former dedicated and active citizen of the Netherlands