[IRULE4POTUS] Media and Transparency

Day 2,441, 20:21 Published in USA USA by irule777

Every presidential candidate has their own way of trying to put forth the idea of having a “transparent” administration. Every candidate wants to have a direct link with the American people and wants to inform them of events and what the administration is doing efficiently. I, of course, certainly plan to do that as well. A transparent administration makes it easier for Americans to understand the issues that our country faces and makes it easier to understand what they can do to help.

I have to applaud President Dmjohnston’s use of Press releases. I think it has been an interesting idea that has gone fairly well (aside from forum issues) and gives a clear idea of what the administration is doing, and I fully intend to continue doing this. I think that any way we can build a link to the people is a great thing.

As President I intend to release articles. Have regular WHPR editions, and more as well. But I will also be looking to improve in other ways. I like the idea of having scheduled open question time on IRC two or three times a week where citizens can hop into the Whitehouse channel, sit down with the President and maybe a few cabinet members, and ask questions for an hour or two. It’s a great chance to hear ideas, to get feedback, and to just let people know what is going on.

I also intend to stay fully active on IRC in the coming month. I am usually on a good 13-14 hours a day (and am fully able to stay on much longer). I like to keep myself open to queries, problems, complaints, and ideas so that people can express their ideas immediately to the administration. I think IRC activity is a must for any President.

My goal is to be extremely available for anyone, be it in-game or off-game, and to keep the regular citizens informed of the government’s workings.

I have always been a huge fan of the media team as well. I have written for the WHPR on several different months, including a little bit this July, and I think it is always a great way to keep people informed of events and other items.

This month I am definitely going to ensure our WHPR and Media team is working well, has plenty of staff, and gives new players a chance to experience working with the team. I want to also bring back using the Pony express as a way to feature and highlight interesting articles of the week. We'll add a new feature of running competitions to encourage more media participation. While these do not have massive effects on the amount of articles written, anything we can do to boost media activity is something to consider. As well, we intend to work to boost media activity through our worker program, interior programs, and education programs as well. As we encourage new players to become active in the media through those.

Another thing we are doing in the coming term is bringing back eNPR. I have had several people interested in hosting or co-hosting, so I think with some work this is entire possible and a good choice. eNPR was always a lot of fun and allowed for Presidential debates, interviews, and plain old discussion, so hopefully we can bring that back. I am always disappointed to see it stopped during any month, and it has been gone for a little while now. This is something I would bring back immediately into office and that should have been brought back a while ago.

With keeping regular articles flowing out of our media office and my own paper, I intend to keep citizens updated on opportunities to get involved in the government, or parties, or MUs, or events, and I absolutely intend to keep citizens informed of my administration’s day to day affairs.

Media is a huge part of this game, and it is one America can put more work into.

~On August 5th, vote Irule777 for President of the eUnited states of America.

Let’s refocus America’s attention on player retention~