[Irish Army] Change of Command

Day 2,613, 21:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ian E CoIeman

January 15, 2015

Hello eIreland,

Today I would like to announce the inauguration of the new Commander of the Irish Army, Mr. Tayto. He will be succeeding me in my duties and obligations as Commander of eIreland's national military unit.

Decision Process
When deciding on who should be the next Commander of the IA, I remembered back to our last Commander, Seanan, and the steps that he took once he realized that he could no longer continue in the position. The IA, though an official state organization, is not subject to government appointments - that is, the Commander and staff is chosen internally, not made as a political appointment. Only the Commander of the unit has the power to instate a successor.

However, this is not a decision to be taken lightly. The Irish Army is the cornerstone organization of eIreland. Founded following December 2010, this unit became the symbol of a reborn eIreland... the eIreland of today. It brought us into an age with a national military unit that operated independent of politics and infighting. This unit belongs to, and welcomes, all eIrish citizens.

As such, this decision has to be made in consultation with those who have a stake in it. My first concern was for those who volunteer their time and effort to keep the unit working. I wanted to make sure that whoever took my place would continue to work for them. Secondly, I brought together all of the current captains of IA regiments to represent the ranks of the IA. Third, I brought in the presidents of each major party to represent the average citizen, whom the IA also belongs to, whether they wear our uniform or not.

In the end, I think the right choice was clear, and I hope that everyone will welcome Mr. Tayto and work with him to keep our proud national MU alive, growing, and staying true to its history and progress.

Thank You
When I first took on the position of Commander more than a year ago, it was not a position that I really wanted. The military side of the game was not my interest or competency at that time. But once I had taken on that role I grew to relish the responsibility and the opportunity to make improvements. Thank you to all of the soldiers of the IA, and to those helped me keep them happy. You have my eternal admiration.

Ian E Coleman
Ex-Commander of Irish Army.

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