[Frix4CP] The s t o r y of the vape

Day 3,082, 13:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Frixios of the Clyde

Yo dudes,

My plan for this election is 2 try something else...

something edgy

it may even be too hard to do...

this article is about how i was chosen at the annual vape conference to be the vape candidate. i won over the public with my platform consisting of pure memes

so i started my campaign by getting my homies to support me to be the candidate. then i had to speak at the convention... i stood up on to the stage, i opened my mouth and told them that to truly stand up to the silly billies of Asteria we need a CP that makes them go WTF? Who is this guy? How is he still alive?

and i will just AS them while they are confused..

and this my friends is how to win eRep

ty and kys,

frixy bixy