[FEDS] Why the Feds?

Day 2,312, 07:33 Published in USA Poland by Apollo221

The Federalist Party is one of, if not the greatest political party, in eUSA. Albeit this is debatable, but numbers don’t lie with a margin of 212 members ahead of the second largest party. The most proud and horny players in eRepublik reside within the Fed party. So, why shouldn’t you join in all the fun?

One of the greatest things about the feds that I have found is the community. The Feds IRC channel is one of the most buzzing in eUSA. There are always great people to talk to, some not even in the Feds. However, you can always count on getting help, advice, and simply have a good conversation.

On top of the Feds IRC is the Federalist Forum. Amazing conversations are always going on. Some are just simply for the lulz, others interesting polls. The Fun Department is always crafting something new including the Opinion game, Feds Lucky Lotto, and other great threads. There is even a tutorial section to give you that edge on everyone else created by some of the most experienced players in eRepublik.

Congress signups are even going on. The Feds always try to put as many new players into congress as we can possibly pack. The congress party whip is always eager to help and give advice along with other experienced players who have “been there done that”. Make sure you support the Feds on the 25th and vote for the Federalist Party!

The Feds also have a leading party newspaper called the Federalist Press headed by WookyJack. The Feds constantly share information about what is going on with the Federalist Party and SHIELD (the Feds own Military Unit).

There is also Fed Radio with dk3dknight at the helm. Federalist news is shared straight to your ears ( I promise it wont brain wash you… maybe). Congress news, Party President news, even SHIELD news is handled on Fed Radio.

So what are you waiting for? I want to see YOU on the forum and IRC chatting it up.