[Feds] Here We Are Again

Day 2,848, 17:12 Published in USA Poland by Apollo221

Here we are again my lovely Feds. I am yet again writing another article to you and everyone else in eRepublik. This article is about something that seems monotonous at this point. It is as if everyone has done it and it isn’t even the cool thing to do anymore. To some people it means nothing and to others it’s actually a big deal. For me, it’s what I’ve strived for ever since I joined eRep and have succeeded at. At this point I might be beating a dead horse… I take that back, I am beating a dead horse. Ive done it once already and tried more times than I can count….

Wait, I am getting ahead of myself yet again. I am referring to the position of Party President. Yes that’s right. I am running for Feds Party President.

Caught up yet? Good. Now that that’s out of the way, lets go over a few points shall we.

We have all heard the saying, “Don’t reinvent the wheel”. I think that quote is a slight bit outdated. Why not reinvent the wheel? It’s been done already. So lets reinvent the wheel shall we.

Some things don’t need to change. For instance Fedicare by Paul Proteus based off of No Fed Left Behind is a great way for new players to receive proper help and incentive to become active within the party. This will continue as it already has and I hope to make it just as successful if not more than it already is.

However even with Fedicare, activity is still at an all time low. Something to combat that does need to be either invented or reinvented. And I believe a tried and true response is the best.

1. More activity through SHIELD Military Unit.
We are not all here for the political module. In fact I believe there are more people active through the military module. Because of this, SHIELD will have a boosting through mutual cooperation with other military units. This means more active ventures with other military units to increase activity. Creating more fun will create more activity.
2. Use of the Treasury.
The Feds have a treasury that has been around for a short time. During my experience with the existence of this said treasury, I have never seen it truly utilized. Until now that is. We have such a magnificent treasury that has barely seen the light of day. For example, In reality it is possible to stimulate an economy through funds from the federal government. The way I see it this could be true through a simple game. Using funds could stimulate activity in a game where gold is everything.
3. A symbiotic relationship between department.
As of right now, activity is on the low (as if I did not need to reiterate that). Because of this, departments should be working close together to complete task. For example, the Fun Department working with both retention and recruitment. The FedEx department working closely with Media and so forth. A lot of this is already going on, but things tend to slow down and become stagnant with one department while others are struggling with task. Even as Party President my job is to do whatever it takes to make sure departments complete goals I set and that means jumping in myself and getting things done.

This isn’t the last words Feds and you can expect more from me. Until next time.