[Fed] Feds Endorse dmjohnston

Day 2,416, 19:56 Published in USA Poland by Apollo221

Federalist endorsement elections are finally finished, and only one person could walk away victorious. As Party president of the Federalist Party, I am happy to announce dmjohnston as the winner of the Fed Primary poll. DMJ has been an incredible contributor for the eUSA by being the Secretary of Defense 4 times, with a constant presence in congress, and Party President of WTP several times. As Apollo221 and not Party President of the Feds, I believe DMJ will do an amazing job as President and I fully support him.

DMJ has written several article for his campaign and I encourage you all to read them.

[DMJ4POTUS] The Time Has Come- http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-dmj4potus-the-time-has-come-2411069/1/20

[DMJ4POTUS] A Fact's a Fact-

[DMJ4POTUS] It Belongs to Them-

[DMJ4POTUS] Let's Give it Back-

So on the 5th, get out there and vote dmjohnston for President!