[FDFA] Short Report

Day 2,496, 20:46 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Foreign Affairs

Greetings everybody!

First of all, I want to inform you that I’ll be your new Minister of Foreign Affairs. The former Minister, LucasFTM, resigned and is moving abroad, so I’ll be taking his position from now on.

I’ll try to continue LucasFTM’s job as soon as I manage to get into it. The Department of the Foreign Affairs is one of the most important governmental institution which defines and reflect Swiss diplomatic relations into the world. Managing and keeping close relations with our allies from Root, Aurora and Sirius will be my priority until the end of my term.

The Ambassador Programme, one of the things you are interested on knowing about. It won’t be my priority this month due to the lack of players’ interest in being involved in it. The fact that even stronger countries hardly manage to run this Programme doesn’t give us a perspective in achieving it. We are a small country with a low number of active players, which we would rather see doing some other important jobs in this country.

This was meant to be a short intro report and it will end here. If you have any questions regarding Switzerland and its diplomacy, please write a comment or contact me by sending me a private message.
