[ex-CP] Summary of July term

Day 2,451, 16:42 Published in Norway Philippines by kb1992


It's time for a term summary.

At first, I want to thank all government members, who have done a great job. Thanks to all congress members for cooperation. For our country it was a quiet month, which doesn't mean that there was nothing to do 😉

Fighting against Lithuania is a never ending story. Thanks to the concerted efforts of Asgard we removed Lithuanians from Norwegian and Swedish regions and we organized a return visit to their cores. Orders were published regularly, there is nothing to complain about.

As for foreign affairs, we extended all the previous MPPs and we signed two new: with Belarus (which was our initiative) and with Peru (which was initiative of Peruvian government). Both are beneficial to all. Belarus because of its strategic location (border with Baltic countries) and Peru because of a "night fight". The initial plans included at least two more new MPPs but for various reasons it hasn't been realized.

Our deal with Russia about renting Ostlandet was continued and no problems were detected.

Ministry of Education issued two articles last month (First - Second) but it will be an opportunity to improve it in the upcoming term 😉

On the initiative of Joshua Morriseau, the Ministry of Public Relations resumed its activity and published three articles (First - Second - Third).

Ministry of Immigration did not work as it should and I take full responsibility for that. Also, I regret that I did not write more articles during the term, information policy should be better.

If you have any question regarding the ended term, feel free to write it to me 🙂
