[ESO] - Join 'Every Single One' Today! + Win 150 Q6 tanks \o/

Day 1,609, 15:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt

Hello Peeps BigAnt here again 🙂

I am writing this newspaper article for you today to invite you to join my party, ESO - Every Single One. JOIN HERE. Want to relax and have fun? Fed up all of the squabbling? ESO members enjoy a friendly atmosphere, we work together to help each other and the eUK. I would like to add at this stage that I have been again installed as ESO recruitment officer by LilySummers, Thanks Lily Mwah x - Anyway, I need 2 Deputy Recruitment officer's if you are looking for extra opportunities to advance in the game and in ESO please apply! Send me a personal message and I will get back in touch.

Are you Bang Tidy? The members in ESO are so join us sexy folk!

Firstly, I'd like to help by pointing out the official eUK forums, at forums.erepublik.co.uk, where much of the community discussion takes place and you can hang out with lots of cool people. You can also Request to JOIN ESO section of forums here after you have signed up.

Secondly, a lot of discussion also happens on IRC, which if you don't know is an online chatroom form of communicating with people. There is a link to IRC on the UK's forums, but it can also be accessed from any IRC client, on the Rizon server. The main channel is #euk, though there are many others, including ours: #ESO. Have a chat with us by click here. Note: Don't spend too much time on IRC like me you may go CRAZY!


Our Mission Statement

ESO will remain a party which is above the mundane politics which have plagued our country, whilst being below the members from which every party attains their true power. ESO will remain a party dedicated to the interests and progression of its members, not itself.

What is ESO about?

Community; something not many achieve or maintain, ESO is vibrant and exciting and always maintains a constant buzz of energy. ESO is a community that will gain you many friends, which will act as allies in all times of need and vice versa, it promotes individual growth while working on teamwork, it accepts all views and understands differences. Members of the ESO community amend views according to discussion and debate and accept further critical and approving notes/words. ESO strives to succeed together and the individual members are also striving and working together to achieve something worthwhile together.

JOIN US ON OUR CHAT ROOM : http://mibbit.com/?channel=%23eso&server=irc.rizon.net
OUR WIKI PAGE: http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Every_Single_One
JOIN US HERE: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/every-single-one-28

Latest person who joined ESO reacted like this \o/

So Don't be a dingbat and Join ESO


* First person to guess correctly below wins 50 Q6 Tanks

* Comment below and V+S and 10 people will be selected at random in 2days and win 10x Q6 tanks EACH!
Thanks to Boomticket who has kindly donated some tanks for ESO.

ESO = Every Single One;
A community that is together,
a community that works together,
marches together, holds together,
stays together.

ESO is ESO because of its members.

Recruitment Officer ESO