[eShqiperia MoFA] Our stance on current events (EN only)

Day 2,609, 07:51 Published in Albania Greece by Kravenn

Hello my dear albanian citizens and also other readers

I decided to write this small article to inform you about current events and our position on this ones.

MPP with Cyprus

Recently, our congress was consulted about a MPP proposal with Cyprus. Considering they are friends, they are having war with Brazil and they need some help : our congress mainly voted in favor (19 YES - 4 NO on this moment).

We are sharing good relations with Cyprus (who is also our neighbor)and It is a good opportunity to help them.

Actions against Brazil

Currently, Brazil is under the fire on 3 fronts (Croatia, Cyprus and UK). We are clearly standing with our friends and your help could be requested. We are sharing MPP with Croatia and soon with Cyprus. These last ones were able to having a colony in Latin America.

It offers 2 possibilities to fight against an Asteria member. Don’t miss them


Another ally who offer us some wars, they were a target of Asteria (Argentina, Brazil, Greece and Romania). Via common borders : Argentina and Brazil attacked. However Brazilian front was fastly closed due a lack of border. Following that, Greece and Romania send their airstrike on Chile. If Greek one was a success for Asteria (84 - 1 for Greece), the romanian one was the main chilean prio and Chile can be proud because Romania lost (85 - 36 in favor of Chile).

On the moment that I write this article : it remains 2 fronts of our friend, Argentina and Greece.

Airstrike on Georgia

This saturday morning, we were surprised to see Georgia picked as Airstrike target by Poland. Some hours later, Poland received MPP proposals from Greece and Brazil.
We don’t hide that we are a bit disappointed by that move and following that : we decided to take distance from Poland.
Our choice is explained by the signature with 2 Asteria members. In a couple of hours, Poland could be able to hit against our friends (Croatia and Chile)

In case where Poland won their Airstrike and decides to pick Turkey as Natural enemy. Albanian position will be clear : We stand with Turkey

I really hope that you liked my short article

See ya,
eShqiperia MoFA