[eSerbia in eUK] Report and Plans

Day 1,797, 09:44 Published in United Kingdom Serbia by dr.doom

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for such a warm welcome I have received in the eUK. Apart from the official contacts, I was completely thrilled to get new friend requests and support from the regular players of the eUK community. It is really great being here with you.

My overall impression of the eUK is that it is highly organised community of players. Updates are quite frequent and, what I cherish the most, really transparent. I was utterly impressed with the census that was organised in order to assess qualities of the eUK community which, without doubt, you will use to bridge any gaps that may exist.

eSerbia fully supports strong eUK and my Government is dedicated in supporting our ally and friend in the future even more than what we did in the past. More on this in some of my future updates.

Immediately after my arrival in the eUK, I have informed the key cabinet ministers about my post and role here. I was pleasantly surprised by the immediate reaction and communication that followed on.

In the days to come, I will continue talking to the eUK Government representatives and put forward several initiatives in coordination with the eSerbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Since we are just days from the parliamentary elections, I will also talk with the prominent eUK party officials and ask them about their foreign policies, especially how they see the links with eSerbia.

I thought it was not necessary to publicly publish a list of eUK officials in these newspapers since the eUK players already know about their own cabinet. However, I have sent a detailed report to the eSerbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with accompanying notes.

Apart from the public diplomacy which is always visible and present in the media, a part of my work is about pure diplomacy that is sometimes quite sensitive and not immediately available to the public. Reports and articles in my newspapers will be more around public diplomacy while the rest will go on using other, not so public communications channels.

Very soon I will organise a poll about eSerbian community in the eUK so we get better coordinated and that eSerbia can additionally help its citizens temporarily living in the eUK.

One of my passions is history and next week I will launch a project entitled “Remembrance Month” that will focus on our common ties and long lasting friendship between the UK and Serbia.

There are some points in our joint history that are not so well known but are truly remarkable and inspiring. I know that this is just a game but it also an opportunity to learn more about each other and those heroic people whom we owe an infinite gratitude. It is not just who we are but what we do - and, what we do is exactly that defines us.

Sincerely yours,

Ambassador of eSerbia