{ERn°2} French Ambassy + Presentation of France + Opinion poll

Day 2,709, 13:49 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) France by Leon Tropdeskis
L'Éclaireur Rouge
n°1.5/Day 2709

Good evening,

I have been lately appointed by the french Corps Diplomatique as the ambassador of eFrance to eTaïwan.

That's why I'm glad to inaugurate the first french ambassy to eTaïwan.

I would say at first that I am really sorry about the fact that I do not speak chinese at all (Even if this is a language that I personnaly like)
Also my english can be quite strange sometimes 😛

Presentation of the Ambassy :

"So", you would ask me, "What's the point into creating an ambassy ?"

The main objective of this ambassy is to present eFrance to Taïwanese people and to create contacts between our two great nations.
The fact that eTaïwan does not actually had an official forum is quite problematic, and can compromize the exchanges.

So, if you had some question, you can :

-Speak directly to me, via pm or commentaries. I would be happy to answer your questions. Also, this is my job, so...
-Use the official forum of eFrance, Erep France :
[url] http://forum.erepfrance.com/[/url]
It's better if you speak french, but it can be sometimes useful.
-If you need to contact the french government directly, you have to contact the french minister of foreign affairs, Leogan.

Presentation of eFrance :

So, here is our current cabinet :

President : niceone30

Prime minister : Carapicho11

Minister of Defense : Gibus69
Minister of Foreign Affairs : Leogan
Governor : Bahamut66
Minister of Education : paluvatar

The actual government is pro-Serbia.

The main parties of eFrance are :

1) République Éclypsienne (RE), with 270 members and lead by Alexandre Debord.
Center-Right Wing.
They are really influent.

2) Mouvement Bonapartiste (M😎, with 111 members and lead by HeavenJere.
Center-Right Wing.
They are quite discreet.

3) Parti Koinmuniste (PK), with 97 members and lead by VonZim.
Far-Left Wing.
They are quite influent, but are not always appreciated.

eFrance liberated one month ago from a dictatorship.
Directly after that, we attacked Germany, without any results.
The french recently invaded UK with the "help" of ePortugal and eGermany in a 7 days war. We are actually holding the occupied provinces.
The Opinion Poll :

The french Corps Diplomatique had decided to create an opinion poll to gather the advices of people from other countries about eFrance.

This is really important to us.

Here is the link :


Et voilà !

Thank you for your attention.