[eBe-MoFA] Belgian-Montenegrin conflict - EDITED 1 TIME

Day 2,653, 12:23 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear Belgian citizens,

As planned by our government, we couldn't win the Air Strike, and Montenegro is now in Flanders. The war started Sunday around 21 o' clock (Belgian time) and ended monday in the morning. Our plan to get congress is working, so don't forget to vote tomorrow !

If you haven't been there that day, too bad. Our IRC chat was really epic, even if we were losing it !

The RW happening now is not organised by our government and sadly, it seems we'll lose it.

The official stance of the government on this RW is: Neutral. We won't involve ourselves into the RW, if we end up winning, then great, but if we lose, it won't be terrible. We'll have organised RW's later ! We can't give you more informations about this for the moment.

The war is going to continue after the CM elections that were promised to us by Montenegro, they will wait until after the CM elections to attack us. We would like to thanks Montenegro with allowing us to get congress, as it is not their objective at all to let us without congress.

The only place Montenegro can attack now is Brussels, and this will happen after the end of the voting of this law : http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Montenegro/156067

Montenegro let us know that they were open to discuss about agreements. Government and next congress will surely debate in intern about the ongoing of this war.

If you want real-time information, don't hesitate to join IRC #eBrussels and contact any government member (Maarten, Curlybear, MCKitKat, Critically and me are often/always present) !

Don't forget that you can win tanks by joining IRC and discussing with our MoHA program !

Best regards,

Franckie18, Belgian MoFA

EDIT 1 :

Our renting contract isn't over, and the Serbian and Venezuelan CO is only there to kick Cuba out !


Montenegro can't attack Cuba because they have a common MPP, that's why they want Cuba out, and take Wallonia ! Don't let them do their plans !!!