[DoI] Miss & Mr eAmerica Contest

Day 2,001, 01:20 Published in USA USA by USA Department of the Interior
Background Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mURb6L5ZkHk

What is life but a popularity and beauty contest? Well eLife is not much different. Here’s your chance to prove to us how pretty you are inside and out. Let us know who you are, as a real person and as a character in this delightful time-waster of a browser game. Be serious, be funny, represent yourself!

Fill out the questionaire below, and publish your entry in your newspaper or on a google document if you don’t have a newspaper.


Take your picture holding a piece of paper with your username and date to prove it's really you.
1) Who are you?
2) What does eRepublik mean to you?
3) What is the biggest issue in eRepublik gameplay today?
4) If you were granted one wish, what would it be? (see Genie’s rules in Aladdin for acceptable answers)
5) Backstreet Boys or N*SYNC, why?
6) What would you do if you had pulled 100,000 gold from the gold mine?
7) How have your RL experiences shaped the way you play eRepublik?

Once completed please submit the link to your entry using this form: http://tinyurl.com/MisseAmerica

Contests for Miss and Mister eAmerica will occur simultaneously. Entrants must be eUS citizens. Entries will be accepted for a full week, ending on gameday 2008, at which point voting will begin! Winners will be announced one week after voting commences, gameday 2015.

Winners will receive a glorious, delicious sense of fame, $1000 each, and will represent the eUSA in any Miss or Mr eRepublik within the next 6 months.

Good Luck to All!

Department of Interior Programs

Meals on Wheels - Free Food!
1. Be a US citizen at level 25 or under
2. Grab your profile ID (this is the number at the end of your citizen profile page url)
3. Go to http://tinyurl.com/DoI-MoW

Bewbs 4 Newbs - Free Food!
1. Register @ eusaforums.com
2. Find a great bewb pic and your profile link
3. Visit and post your chosen bewb pic and link @ http://tinyurl.com/b4nerep

TankUp2RankUp - Free Tanks!
1. Be a US citizen at or between levels 25 - 29
2. Do not belong to AFA or any anti-American group (Party or MU)
3. Visit and apply @ http://tinyurl.com/eUS-TU2RU

eUS Armed Forces

eUSAF Flight Training - Apply Here

Flight Training is the official eUS Armed Forces bootcamp. They will acquaint you with the game, and introduce you to the way that Military Units operate. You will recieve daily supplies, and battle instructions to maximize your damage. At the conclusion of your Flight Training course you will move on to higher level eUSAF Military Units

Air Force - Apply Here
Requirements: Completed Flight Training, or equivalent.

Rogue Squadron - Apply Here
Requirements: Level 30+

Ultra Marines - Apply Here
Requirements: Rank of Field Marshal+

Special Forces - Apply Here
Reuirements: One hit with Q7 > 25,000 damage

Political Parties

Federalist Party A Helping Hand Free Tanks & Food!
1. Grab your profile link
2. Register @ fedparty.forumotion.com
3. Go to http://tinyurl.com/Feds-AHH

United States Workers Party BR4iNs f0r z0MBi3s - Food for most, Tanks for members
1. Register @ eusaforums.com
2. Find your profile link
3. Visit and post your profile link @ http://tinyurl.com/BR4iNsf0rz0MBi3s

We The People Feed The World Food for all, Tanks for members
1. Grab your profile link
2. Go to http://tinyurl.com/WTP-FTW1

American Military Party Supplies for War! Food for All, Tanks for members
1. Grab your profile link
2. Go to http://tinyurl.com/AMPsuppliesFORwar

Secretary of the Interior