[DoI] Flight Training: Helpful Staff & Satisfied Members

Day 2,011, 01:50 Published in USA USA by USA Department of the Interior

Flight Training is the official eUS Armed Forces bootcamp. They will acquaint you with the game, and introduce you to the way that Military Units operate. You will recieve daily supplies, and battle instructions to maximize your damage. At the conclusion of your Flight Training course you will move on to higher level eUSAF Military Units.

Young players have their pick of many starter MUs, and it is very important for the eUSAF that Flight Training provides competitive levels of service to new members. The goal of Flight training should not only be to retain these players in the eUSAF, but also to make sure that these players are informed members of eUS society. Informed members of our society will continue to play the game, and therefore add their damage to eUS battles and the battles of her allies. With the rise of US-AIM, the government needs to work as hard as they can to keep players in government MUs, to prove to our allies that we have the damage they need, and to prove to our enemies we have the damage to thwart their plans.

Unbeknownst to the staff of Flight Training, the Department of the Interior and Defense conducted a survey to gauge members and graduates of the eUS Armed Forces introductory MU satisfaction with the service they received. Staff were kept in the dark to ensure that members were not coerced to give favorable responses. Furthermore, participants were asked to provide their citizen names to DoI to ensure that there was no spamming of the form. All members, active and inactive (482 players) were contacted via ingame Private Message, and asked to fill out a Google Document form. With that said, let’s get to the results;

109 members of Flight Training and Air Force responded to the survey, that is just over half of the active members of both MUs. DoI and DoD feel that this is excellent turnout for a survey of this sort. Participants rated their overall experience in Flight Training as an average of 4.22 out of 5, or 84% approval of their FT experience. Participants rated the helpfulness of Flight Training staff as an average of 4.33 out of 5, or FT staff was 86% helpful.

Participants were asked to suggest improvements. Here are some noteworthy examples of things FT can improve on:

- Better announcements for promotions especially from your new leader of the regiment you belong to congratulating you. Faster response times to get approved for forum boards once you have been accepted. Just a little more communication between new players and their commanders and leaders.

- When I entered Flight Training, I thought there would be more...training. I had no problem getting supplies, but I didn't get a lot of direction otherwise. I just did my DO, did my roll calls, and graduated. I could have used instruction in how and when to use the various weapons that are available or other useful things to know before moving on the the Air Force.

- Maybe make the channel more active and not only for rollcall or questions about the game

- I managed to do all of my tasks in 3 days, so my time in Flight Training felt extremely short, but nevertheless, really helped me understand the game. I just wish I knew about flight training before I wasted all of my gold and USD in the first hour. :/

These results are good, but like anything, Flight Training is not perfect. Secretary of Defense Cromstar is working with Flight Training Commanding Officer Fhaemita to incorporate some of these suggestion to FT Standard Operating Procedures. Stay tuned to see how Flight Training progresses in the future!

eUSAF Flight Training: All new players should apply - Apply Here
Commanding Officer: Fhaemita Malodorous
IRC Channel: #flighttraining

eUS Armed Forces

The eUnited States Armed Forces have many branches for you to join. Branches differ in amount of supplies, style of administration among other things. Though the branches may disagree, each branch is more similar than different. In the end, joining a eUS Armed Forces MU ensures that you are contributing as much as you can for the nation while maximizing your own gain for very little cost.

Air Force: Completed Flight Training, or equivalent. Apply Here
Commanding Officer: Dr Luis Sentieiro
IRC Channel: #defense (#flighttraining can help you too)

Rogue Squadron: Level 30+ Apply Here
Commanding Officer: N.A.M.
IRC Channel: #RS

Ultra Marines: Rank of Field Marshal+ Apply Here
Commanding Officer: Artela
IRC Channel: #ultramarines

Special Forces: One hit with Q7 > 25,000 damage Apply Here
Commanding Officer Oblige

Each program has different eligibility requirements, and party promotions give more supplies to their members. Make sure to check you’re eligible before you request.

Department of Interior Programs

Meals on Wheels - Free Food!
Director: Kodos
1. Be a US citizen at level 25 or under
2. Grab your profile ID (this is the number at the end of your citizen profile page url)
3. Go to http://tinyurl.com/DoI-MoW

Bewbs 4 Newbs - Free Food!
Director: The Original Hawkie
1. Register @ eusaforums.com
2. Find a great bewb pic and your profile link
3. Visit and post your chosen bewb pic and link @ http://tinyurl.com/b4nerep

TankUp2RankUp - Free Tanks!
Director: Arrden
1. Be a US citizen at or between levels 25 - 29
2. Do not belong to AFA or any anti-American group (Party or MU)
3. Visit and apply @ http://tinyurl.com/eUS-TU2RU

Political Parties

Federalist Party A Helping Hand Free Tanks & Food!
1. Grab your profile link
2. Register @ fedparty.forumotion.com
3. Go to http://tinyurl.com/Feds-AHH

United States Workers Party BR4iNs f0r z0MBi3s - Food for most, Tanks for members
1. Register @ eusaforums.com
2. Find your profile link
3. Visit and post your profile link @ http://tinyurl.com/BR4iNsf0rz0MBi3s

We The People Feed The World Food for all, Tanks for members
1. Grab your profile link
2. Go to http://tinyurl.com/WTP-FTW1

American Military Party Supplies for War! Food for All, Tanks for members
1. Grab your profile link
2. Go to http://tinyurl.com/AMPsuppliesFORwar

Secretary of the Interior