[DoC] Community Awards Results!

Day 1,879, 06:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by Damhnaic

Dear citizens,

Another community article! (woot)

1. Chess tournament
2. Inspirational video of the day
3. Community awards


As you may know, a fellow citizen decided to organize a chess tournament. The Department of Community decide, it encourage such community initiative, to finance a prize of 800cc and another of 500cc.

We sincerely encourage you to participate, you might be surprised in your skills! (Or laugh at other people lack of skill)

The Second "Thomas Keesman" Chess Classic by Winston Hope Smith


Carl SAGAN, We Are Here: The Pale Blue Dot


Here are the winners for the Community Awards. We had a total of 24 votes accounted, and the results were very tight.

1. The Nogin the Nog award for the most trusted politician


2. The Irishbhoy1967 award for the hardest working politician

-Nataliia From Galicia

3. The Kurdt Fradenburg award for the most acclaimed publisher


4. The Seanan award for the article of the month

-National Library of eIreland by Ian E Coleman

5. The Spirit of Snuggles award for the eIrish soldier of the month

-Carolus XII Rex

6. The Bhane award for the beat best general manager (PP/commander etc.)


7. The ___________ award for the newcomer to watch


8. The Shamrock award for the friend of eIreland


9. The John Gormley award for the eIrish comedian of the month

-John Gormley

10. The Yddub Emwolb award for the eIrish citizen of the month (Irelander of the month)


All the winners will receive their prizes shortly, it consists of 2g for each award (We had a generous donation from an old citizen, which allows me to double the previous prizes of 1g). Furthermore 70 Q7 tanks and 400 Q3 food will be sent to the newcomer to watch to help him in his progress.


Damhnaic O'Morann
Minister of Community