[Damhnaic for CP] New Citizens & Community

Day 1,988, 15:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Damhnaic

To my very dearest friends, to my comrades of Ireland,

This is second article in my Taoiseach Candidacy Campaign.

1. Presentation, Cabinet, and various considerations
2. New Citizens & Community
3. War & Foreign Affairs

New Citizens

First of all, I do not plan on having a baby boom during this term. I think we need a baby boom, of course, but I also think we lack numerous structures to be able to hold players. It is something I noticed, less players are getting involved and less players remains in the game, while older players are being turned off by ePlato's update and leave too. While we cannot force ePlato to update his economic module, and thus can't force the oldies to stay, we can improve the social integration of newer players. For this, there are three plans I have for next term.


We know it, the game can often be somewhat hard to understand, there are numerous functionalities very different one from another and they aren't well explained by the game itself. Thus, if we want to keep our players, we must first instruct them to the game, in the easiest way possible. But we already have numerous very good tutorials, (Irasian made an eRepublik bible in the past), thus the plan is to work on structuring of past tutorials and making them ACCESSIBLE. Ian E Coleman already started this task with his national library, but its still largely ignored. There are three way we can ensure new players have access to the library.
1. By having a link in the welcome message
2. By messaging new players with the link
3. By missions (see bellow)


The first task we have to work on, for a better social integration, is a mission system similar to the one eFrance and eUk developed. Basically, new citizens are asked a some tasks (do your daily mission, log on IRC, read the library, etc) and must give a proof they did it (screenshot, small question, etc), when they do it they receive a small prize (which is insignificant for an older player but is big for new citizens (a few food units, a few guns, etc)). It is simple, doesn't ask much, just someone to look the screenshots once a day or so and send the rewards. In this way, we can make new citizens have a reason to stay (completing their missions), we can promote social integration (missions to join a MU, to post an article, etc), and ensure they read our famous library.


The second stage of our social integration is on the Community part. You might have noticed it, an article was moreover named after it, we have a long "Dead media" time between president election and congress elections. To help us keep our new players (and older payers too!) we need an active and ENJOYABLE community (not one where people only shit on other players).

An easy way to promote the community involvement, is incentives to promote political and community implication (like the Community awards but on a more systematically way, and aimed at new citizens, to show them such involvement can be a bonus in their gameplay.) It's quite obvious that if the citizens have an interest in social involvement (prizes, etc), they will be more keen to do it with quality.

Thus, the project itself isn't really a baby boom, but maybe just an establishment for a future one & to help us retain new citizens longer and that they don't fall into two clicking (which is what is currently promoted by the in game missions set up by the admins)

Finally, only a small recall of my Cabinet:

Ministry of Defence - Seanan
Ministry of Finance - Appleman
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Minister: Ian E Coleman / Advisor: Ethel Rosenberg / Ambassador program: Raven Anarcho
Ministry of Immigration - Committee: Gerald Smyth / Paddy O’Brian
Ministry of Community - Damhnaic
Ministry of New Citizens - Irasian

Edit: Sadly, Nogin the Nog won't be availble to help during next term.

Questions? Commentaries? Post them in comments!

For a more livable and enjoyable eIreland,

Yours sincerely,

Previously publishe😛
*Damhnaic for eIreland, Damhnaic for CP!, day 1986.
*On the Importance of Smaller Parties, day 1982.
*Mediocrity of Leaders, day 1957.
*Liberty of Discussion in Democracy, day 1955.