[CYP] Foreign Policy

Day 2,152, 02:00 Published in Cyprus Poland by Wild Owl

This article intends to convey to the general populace and the wider world, the Foreign Affairs’ targets and goals of the current eCypriot administration.

eCyprus, as a nation, has experienced its fair share of ups and downs in its history. There have been times when we have owned large tracts of land stretching from Southeastern Europe to Western Middle East, and we have also experienced a wipe from the map for a few months in the not so distant past. Through this article, I intend to clarify Cypriot policy for the upcoming month as well as our foreign policy goals and objectives for the near-future.

Cyprus has always prided itself on its independence as a community and a country. It is part of who we are, and we intend to continue that. We wish to clarify that we as a country will not be joining any alliance in the coming month. That being said, we do realize the importance of true brotherhood, fraternity and friendship between countries. Cyprus fully intends to continue its excellent relations with its current friends and is looking eagerly to grow relations with some others.

There have been times in the past when we have been erratic in the FA department and have struggled with prioritising our national objectives. This will no longer be the case. Cyprus intends to embark on a stable foreign policy which allows for its territorial integrity with mutual respect for its neighbours and friends.

In the name of eCypriot Government,
-Wild Owl
Cyprus MoFA