[CP] Wellcome new congress

Day 3,752, 01:03 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Dear Swiss,

Congress election passed and we have 20 new congress members. My warmest welcome for them and my congratulations as well. I hope they will serve the country with respect and honor. I also want to remember that they will have an important duty, they will vote our constitution very soon.
We have also a new political party that has been a great success, so congratulations to The Lugangeles Party for becoming the first Swiss party.
I don’t see new citizens entering the congress and this is quite sad.

As you can see contrary to what was promised we only have 20 congress members. This is a failure of which I take every responsibility. We had time to organize it but we didn't do it.
I was thinking a lot the last few days on what to do now. I’m honest and I admit that I thought about the resignation, but finally the great support of the people made me rethink and make me go on!

I want also to spend some words about next CP election.
I received many requests to reapply, but finally I decided not. I will take my time to reorganize my thoughts and maybe in the future I will have my second chance.
I see parties supporting candidates without programs and without sharing team compositions, this is something I don’t like. We are a little country but I think we should act like a big country. So, we need rules and procedures.

As your President, i CALL you ALL citizens of Switzerland, to come to our discord channel , to be active in everyday conversations with our citizens, where you can give ideas, chat and hanging out with us.

For every kind of matters I’m at your disposal, so don’t hesitate to
contact me!

BE ACTIVE, don't sleep! 😉


Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere
Swiss Country President
Vincent Rekdal