[CP] We won't bow

Day 1,976, 09:13 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear Belgians and Friends,

I will not lie to you, we have seen better days. While the CoT HQ have been giving us much support, the member states put the majority of CotDs to our battles. We are trying to economize the wartime budget, and only spend on the most important things. In recent days Hungarian and Serbian were, and soon an Indonesian MPP will be signed, and I hope, after our liberation/victory we will be able to stop/defeat the attackers.

During the last day France has called us to negotiate. Their president started with a fulsome speech, basically he told us how useful it is for us all. I do not think so. While the french delegation claimed that we started the war (Did you not know? The French only attacked to start a TW, it is our fault, that we did not want one!!), to this I do not have much to say, this is French diplomacy. The true arrogance only appeared at the en😛 the opinion of their president suddenly took a u-turn and declared that the war is of no interest to anyone and we should stop! They do not want anything else, just Wallonia for 2 months (Have you lost your mind, France?) and our support for a non-aggression pact with Poland. We refused the offer and took our leave with our delegation.

New MPPs...

Their offer shows us, they are afraid. They are smart to do so. They can pretend to be the ones dictating, but whether they keep us occupied or not, they have lost this war. They want to use us to protect them from the Polish offensive. Well we wont. The french president wants to use the war and save himself from the French nation with this irrational demand. Surely the French people will not abide, if they realise that it won't benefit, and will only effect negatively their country. They could have saved their hide after breaking the treaty with the Polish, but with their final decision they have sealed their fate. If I were the president of the French, I would immediately withdraw from the Belgian regions and issue a formal apology, but let us admit it, that would be too coherent for the French.

Perseverance my dear friends! We will do everything to so we can hold the congressal election, do not give up! Fight for the liberation of Wallonia! Fight for Flanders!

With respect,
Alexandross, President of Belgium