[CP] - Kazuo LePew - First Presidential Address (other than boasting)

Day 1,264, 11:07 Published in Canada Canada by Rolo Tahmasee

Hello, My Name is Kazuo LePew

I'm hear to tell you to Be READY, I haven't done anything yet, or really shared my plans in public, but Be READY, and I'll post on the forums eventually as well, Be READY

Thank you all for voting to be bold, voting to be brave, and voting to be READY, now I need you to vote to be patient...I don't plan on actually doing anything due to my campaign being sort of unrealistic

This is my Presidential Seal, I think it gives me the authority to wage war on all of ONE, and pretty much screw up all our MPP's in the process. I'm going to do it, eventually, because I have votes to be bold, brave, and READY

Remember, If we get wiped off the map as a result, it's not my fault, YOU voted for me

Anyone READY to Celebrate yet?

Canadian President
READY, Willing, and Debatably Able..