[CoH] Another week

Day 2,293, 14:51 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Pat Harper

Another week has passed, here are some figures of the current supply situation.
15000CC generated from slave pits
1300 Q6 tanks purchased and delivered to workers
10000 Q3 food purchased - available on request
8.3k CC left over and placed in a kitty to be distributed in the next TG sale.

A lot of members are still not working in the pits, we can only afford this system if you work for us. Find jobs under Connor MacLeod in the job market, contact myself or Connor if you get stuck.

Help for Heroes
Being busy RL at the moment has slowed this down, I will work on it as soon as I can. Reminder of what it is if you missed last weeks article:

Company of Heroes is setting up a new operation called 'Help for Heroes', it is similar to the old health system run by Doctor of Souls and the UK's NHS.
Players who fill out the form daily will be sent a number of free health, 3 times the amount if they are a member of Company of Heroes.

How to qualify:
1. MUST be level 29 or under.
2. MUST be a Canadian citizen.
3. MUST fill out the form.

The new system will be implemented ASAP, another article will come shortly once all checks are finetuned.

Please consider donating to the cause HERE or HERE

Pat Harper - Commander
Connor MacLeod - 2nd Commander
Gobba - Major
Oliver Dietz - Private
MarioRV - Corporal
Sgt Schwimm - Private
tomturc35 - Private
Lord Munster - Private
jayvis - Private
Dark Secret - Private
rooman97 - Private
Guagature - Private

Prince Sheogorath - 2nd Commander
Randall Flag - Captain
Lucan - Corporal
Lonesome Dove - Private
Srinjoy Sarkar - Private
Nikkooter - Private
Sadhunath - Private
Starcop Seven - Private
T.E. Lwrence - Private
Dr. Savage - Private


CptKaydee - Captain
Zianni Vaatez - Corporal
Buckshot Dome - Private
Naktabar - Private
HazmatNukeHax0r - Private
KarateWinner - Corporal
Selior56 - Corporal
steftess - Private
panzer1990panzer - Private

KarateWinner - Corporal
Shown good activity in the feeds.

Gobba - Major

Ranked up to titan, awesome work! \o/

Both sent 30 Q7 tanks o7

This is just a short article because I don't have much time.
o7 Company dismissed