Day 654, 21:30 Published in China China by solotar

一 正直的参加选举

鼓起勇气参加选举, 不是一个容易的事情。 因为一提到参选, 就会被一些人误会为反对 Snakye , 甚至被说成是阴谋推翻总统。 在思考参选与否的时间里, 我一直感到压力巨大。 在我的竞选文章写好之前, 我甚至没有公开声明我的参选 。 这是我首先要向选民们道歉 的。

其实, 我很尊重 Snakye 以及他所做出的贡献, 并且完全相信 Snayke 是一个正直友善的人。 从个人角度讲, 我也把 Snakye 当做是值得信赖的伙伴。 我希望我们的选举是在两个 正直的人之间进行的选举, 不想涉及任何捕风捉影的信 息, 我希望这次选举是一次公平 的竞争 , 这是民主政治的真谛。

作为现任总统,Snayke 拥有知名度, 三个任期积累的声誉和政绩 , 以及广泛的舆论优势。 与他相比, 我一开始就有巨大的劣势。 我缺少总统经验、 没有舆论优势。 我对很多人来说可能只是一 个普通议员, 甚至有人不知道我是议员。 我不过是一个普通的玩家, 在 cw 论坛我的 id 是 seer, 在游戏中 ID 是 solotar 。 我知道 Snayke 最近几天在群里频繁出现表 现出很强的亲和力, 获得很多加分, 而我却只能埋头写我的竞选 文章, 力图让大家更好地认识我; 对于现任总统来说, 他不需要承担太多的参选压力 。 我知道一定有人会问, 嘿, 这个叫做 seer 或者 solotar 的家伙是谁, 他有何德何能来参加竞选? 他比现任总统差八丈远了吧 。 这正是我要认真写好我的竞 选文章的压力所在, 也是我的责任所在。 希望你看完我的文 章, 能够对我有更多的了解, 然后给我一点鼓励。

二 为什么要站出来参选

是啊, 我为什么要参加选举? 我要先说服我自己出来参加 选举, 然后才能提供给人们支持我 的理由。 我的心路历程是这样的:

首先, 一潭死水的大选并不符合民 主精神。 Snakye 已经是 Serpentis 和 Juche 的联合候选人,PRP 和 CDP 作为国会多数政党, 不应该连一个愿意参选的候 选人都没有, 我愿意作为两党的代表, 来担任 PRP 和 CDP 的候选人, 来实现这份对民主政治的参 与。 我的这个想法也得到了两党 主席的认可和鼓励。 我来参选, 最重要是这个选的过程。 如果选不上, 我照样会与 Snakye 良好沟通, 继续支持国家工作。

如果你不喜欢我个人, 你可以看一下我对国家发展 的构想, 也许你会喜欢那个构想;如 果你连我的构想也不认同, 希望你可以为我站出来参选 给予一点善意的鼓励。 我知道每个人都有不同的看 法,Snayke 有他的优势, 当然我也有我的优势。

如果看完我的文章, 并且思考再三之后, 你仍然觉得我不够资格担当 , 没关系, 那就继续投 Snakye 一票吧。 如果我的各种理念、 政策构想能够让你认同, 那么谢谢你, 请毫不犹豫地把你手中的选 票投给我。

第二, 就事论事, 在国家管理的工作效率、 沟通效率、 和人才运用方面,Snayke 绝对不是无可指摘的。 我注意到了很多问题, 发现这些问题确实是 Snayke 无法高效率解决的, 而我有信心带领一个团队来 做得比他更好。

第三, 大家在论坛和群里的各种呼 声, 我都认真阅读了, 包括对政策稳定性的期盼, 对外交如 SOL 等工作能否顺利交接的担忧 , 包括对外国玩家的团结、 对双语论坛问题的讨论, 包括新人问题、 国企问题、 医院问题等的建议等等, 我都认真考虑过了。 我觉得我可以和我的团队一 起做到。 我支持 Snayke 目前制定的各项政策, 如果我当选, 我希望 Snayke 在我的政府中担任重要职务 并为我提供支持, 同时我希望 Snayke 继续担任中国驻 SOL 代表以及 SOL 主席,Snayke 所做的所有现阶段的国家建 设和计划我会全部沿用并继 续推广 (有人说 Snayke 万一选不上就会离开中国甚 至与中国为敌, 我相信他绝对不是这样的人 , 他会以国家利益为重, 支持新政府, 并承担重要的工作) ;我欢迎更多的外国玩家融 入我们的大家庭, 同时将带动更多的中文玩家 参与政府运作, 我将制定一些具体的计划来 解决国内急需解决的各种问 题。

第四, 我了解最近人们关于 Snayke 的一些议论。 但是我反对极端的民族主义 、 反对门户之见。 我相信和理解 Snayke 的清白、 正直和苦衷。 这次选举的一切我希望都基 于公平竞争, 这就是我参选的立场, 也是我做人的立场。 只有通过公平的选举当选, 我才对得起支持我的选民们 , 也是对我们 PRP 和 CDP 对我的信任的一种回报。

在思考完以上四个问题之后 , 我觉得我有理由来参加这次 总统选举了。

三 没有谁天生就是总统, 请给我一个机会

有人说, 现在情况下没有人可以比现 任总统做得好。 有人说, 失去 Snayke 中国会很糟糕。 不过, 如果我有幸当选, 我不是靠一个人的能力来服 务国家。 我们是一个团队, 一个力争团结一切可以团结 的力量的团队, 当然也包括 Snayke 。 Snayke 将在新政府中发挥重要作用 , 继续服务于他所热爱的 eChina 。

我们将会兼容并包, 发挥各方优势, 团结外国玩家力量, 打造更强有力更有效率的团 队。 我看到了很多外国玩家对 eChina 的热爱, 我也看到了来自 cweb 、 5d6d 、 s1 里屋、 sc 、 复旦、 水木等一批批新兴力量中大 量有才干的玩家, 一批批在现 实生活中有着各种相关领域 专业知识、 管理经验和个人能力的玩家 。 eChina 的建设需要你们的参与! 团结起来, 我们有着巨大的力量!

因此, 我在此郑重声明, 我的参选不是我一个人的参 选, 而是一个团队的参选。 这个团队包括我的支持者们 , 同时也愿意吸收不支持我个 人但是支持 eChina 的每一个人。 任何有意愿参与国家事务的 公民, 都可以进入我们的新政府。 不管你的语言是中文还是英 文, 也不管你的专长是技术还是 管理。

我个人拥有了在游戏里管理 企业的经验、 对国家经济金融系统的认识 , 对国际政治军事情况的了解 , 但如果真正作为国家总统, 我还是一个新人。 我个人的力量是有限的, 但 eChina 的人民当中蕴含着各方面的 人才。 我相信只要大家团结一心, 群策群力, 我们的新政府一定会运行得 更好。

管理一个国家, 靠的绝对不是一个人的能力 。 发现人才, 充分发挥他们的聪明才智, 把不同背景不同文化的玩家 团结起来, 形成一个具有执行力的团队 , 才是真正的管理。

毫无疑问,Snayke 是一位尽职的总统。 在他的三个任期内, 他对人民的呼声, 进行了积极的响应 (如:国有组织合同制, 内阁, 国企等) , 他对央行的管理, 操作规范, 账目清晰, 这些都被我们所认可。 但是, 作为一个总统, 仅仅是尽职是不够的。 总统需要对国家的现状有自 己的思考, 优先解决主要的问题, 把国家引领到正确的方向。 在这一点上,Snayke 做的还不够。 纵观他的执政计划, 仅仅是对先前制度的延续, 没有给我们新的期待。

不容回避, 目前国家还存在着许多问题 。 例如新人指导和支持不够, 国企运作不够成熟规范, 央行缺乏快速反应能力等。 这些问题长期以来一 直存在, 但直到今天还没有形成明确 的解决方案和具体的执行步 骤。 我们是宽容的, 我们可以等待, 而且已经等待了很久, 但这不能不说是现任政府执 行力方面的缺憾。

此外, 许多宝贵的建议, 无法被一一翻译, 提供给总统;许多优秀的人 才, 受英文水平所限, 未被总统发现而无缘参政。 我无意对现任政府做过多的 批评, 但正视当前确实存在的问题 , 正是政府赖以进步的动力。

我的个人主要观点和主要比 较优势:

我认同 Snayke 的各项政策并将保证政策的 延续性, 支持 Snayke 在 SOL 中继续代表中国和担任主席。
我会重点关注国内建设, 在充分听取大家意见的基础 上, 对不适应现状的政策进行修 正。
我将增加与国民的交流, 促进不同语言玩家之间的沟 通、 理解和信任。
我欢迎所有热爱 eChina 的公民加入政府, 为 eChina 的建设贡献力量。

我能够与更广大的国民良好 沟通, 可以阅读和吸取更多的中文 建议。
我认识和了解更多中文玩家 , 并且希望扩大政府机构, 让更多玩家加入其中。
我重视团队的力量, 希望加强管理、 组织、 人才运用, 加强执行力, 提高国内各项事业的效率。
我重视媒体的力量, 致力于组织翻译国外优秀文 章, 强调游戏内玩家之间的交流 。
作为国会多数党的成员, 我可以更有效的促进内阁方 案在国会的通过。

四 让我们团结一心

在这里, 请允许我简单的做一下自我 介绍。

我于 2009 年 5 月 21 日出生于 eChina 的首都北京。 那时候,eChina 还是一个人口稀少, 经济落后的国家。 最初的日子总是艰难的, 我努力的工作, 却仅得到微薄的报酬。 为了获得更好的发展, 我在国人组织的资助下, 前往西班牙留学。 在那里, 我了解了这个世界的规则, 并立志把 eChina 建设成为一个富强的国家, 让人民都可以享有幸福的生 活。

6 月中旬, 我回到国内, 在朋友的帮助下创建了 Seer Group , 开始在北京经营石油公司。 我相信, 这将有助于国内经济的发展 。 在 6 月 25 日的国会选举中, 我很荣幸的被选为议员, 从此开始了我的政治生涯。 (详细情况请参考 《竞选议员》 《议员之路》 )

我致力于促进经济的发展, 提出了许多减税的议案, 希望通过市场的手段, 来更有效率的配置我们有限 的资源。 我关注新人的生活情况, 提出了最低工资法, 新人费等议案, 并为打算出国深造的新人, 提供机票的支持。 感谢大家的信任, 让我获得连任, 可以继续服务于这个伟大的 国家。

自从我来到这个丰富多彩的 世界,Snayke 就作为总统来领导我们的国 家。 他很好的履行了自己的职责 , 并且在外交舞台上取得了伟 大的成就。 作为 SOL 联盟的缔造者和主席, 他极大的提高了 eChina 在国际舞台的地位。 他的这些成就将永远的为我 们所铭记。

随着国家的发展,eChina 的人口比例发生了变化, 中文玩家逐渐成为了主流。 在这种情况下, 我们需要一个懂得英文和中 文两种语言的总统, 来更好的促进国民间的交流 。 语言不应该是游戏的障碍,erepub lik 属于全世界喜爱它的人们。 我们很遗憾的看到, 一些热心国家事务的英文玩 家, 没有被中文玩家所了解;只 能讲英文的议员, 被排除在国家政策的讨论之 外。 而实际上,eChina 应该属于全体国民, 无论他讲着什么样的语言。

在我的石油生意刚刚起步, 经营最为艰难的时候, 一个 Juche 党人来到我的公司, 仅仅要求最低限度的薪水, 直到我的事业走上正轨。 他的友善感动了我, 即使部分 Juche 极端分子盗窃国库, 我也依然相信,Juche 之中, 有着许多为 eChina 默默奉献的玩家。 尽管我们讲着不同的语言, 在某些事情上存在分歧, 但我们并不是彼此的敌人。 沟通的大门永远敞开, 除非你在心里把他关闭。

在我从新人到议员的道路上 , 我结识了很多志同道合的玩 家, 很多亲切可爱的朋友, 你们是我继续走下去的动力 。

让我们团结起来, 共同建设我们的国家。 我们的议员将一起讨论国家 的发展, 我们的工人将一起辛勤的工 作。 当面临威胁的时候, 让我们并肩作战, 保卫我们所深爱的家园。 在这一过程中, 我希望贡献自己的一点力量 。

eChina 的未来在于新的公民。 可是, 当他们加入之后:面对陌生 的世界, 不知所措的时候;努力的工 作, 却依然食不果腹的时候;为 语言所苦恼, 难以了解这个世界丰富多彩 的时候, 我们可以为他们做点什么?

我们需要有完善的新手指引 , 良好的经济支持, 以及精彩的新闻报道。 为了这一目标, 我积极指导新人, 为新手提供机票, 创办中文新闻刊物, 组织翻译英文报纸。 但是, 要把这些事情做得更好, 我们需要更多的人员参与进 来, 使得个人行为组织化, 短期行为长期化。 我们需要把原来遥望世界的 目光, 投向我们身边的兄弟姐妹。

我们已经有了内阁的雏形, 但是离内阁的成熟运作, 还有漫长的道路要走。 治理一个国家, 终究不是一个人可以完成的 工作。 总统需要引导内阁承担更多 的工作, 并赋予内阁更大的权力。 总统需要对国家有自己的思 考, 给人民更多的期待, 而不是仅仅完成国民的要求 。

正因为如此, 经过深思熟虑, 我决定参加总统竞选, 希望可以为国家的发展, 承担更多的责任。 Snayke 是一位尽职的总统, 但是国家需要不同的声音。 我们需要健全国内的组织制 度, 需要推动国内的经济发展, 需要关注国民的游戏乐趣, 需要促进不同文化背景玩家 的交流。

民主制度下的竞争没有失败 者, 选举本身就是属于人民的胜 利。 我希望大家团结一心, 共同建设我们的国家。 我为自己可以服务于这个伟 大的国家感到骄傲, 现在, 我希望做得更多。 你愿意支持我, 和我一起努力吗?

五 以下是你可能关心的具体执 政计划

1 统一的双语议政交流平台

目前, 中文玩家的讨论主要集中在 Cwebgame 论坛。 由于语言障碍, 很多热心国政的英文玩家无 法参与交流, 这也导致了一些误解的产生 。 而 Juche 的议员, 事实上被排除在国家政策的 讨论之外。
我们需要一个统一的双语议 政平台, 让议员在提案之前, 彼此交流, 互相辩论, 最终达成共识。 这将有助于提高提案的质量 , 增进议员间的了解。 eChina 的建设, 需要全体公民的积极参与, 当然也包括 Juche 。 Cweb 的管理员们已经提供了一些 具体可行性计划。

2 定期的国内国际新闻报道

我们需要关注普通玩家的游 戏乐趣, 让他们更多的了解 erepublik 精彩的世界。 国家需要建立新闻部 (国家新闻中心) , 设立类似政府发言人的报纸 , 推出双语的新闻报道, 公开政府运作, 让人民了解国家的发展。 这对于增加玩家游戏乐趣, 保持玩家游戏热情, 有着至关重要的意义。

3 更加完善的新人支持

我们需要更新公民信息, 让新公民了解游戏的基本操 作, 国家的基本情况以及去哪里 寻求帮助。 一个教育部将被建立, 用来建设中英双语的游戏教 程和回答新手的疑问。
福利部将被赋予更多的职责 :包括为提出申请的新人提 供面包, 礼品和机票等必要物资, 以支持他们度过 6 级之前的艰难时光。

4 逐渐成熟的内阁运作

建设国家的大量工作, 并非少数人可以完成。 我们需要吸收更多的玩家加 入内阁各个部门, 一起为国家的发展而努力。
内阁需要更多的权力和支持 来完成他们的工作。 这些工作包括但不限于:
逐步完善经济政策, 建设及时反应的中央银行, 发布国民军事命令, 组织解放军, 积极广泛的外交活动以及与 其他国家的国民交流。
同时, 之前的国有组织合同制以及 其他工作, 也需要继续推行, 以达到政策的稳定和延续。
我们的新内阁不仅有几个部 门和部长, 还要增加部门数量 (如新闻部, 教育部) , 扩充人员编制, 并且给各个部门明确的职责 和具体的分工。 因此我们需要更多有能力的 玩家加入我们。 让我们团结起来, 把 eChina 建设的更加富强!

5 其他一些可能设立的部门

经济研究所, 提供经济分析和投资建议; 军事情报处, 分析世界军情动态, 为政府外交决策提供依据; 建设规划局, 研究国家重要地区, 考虑医院和防御设施的投放 ;其他部门也会根据需求考 虑设置。

最后, 我想真诚的跟大家说几句话

每个人的想法都有一定的依 据, 也难免存在一些问题。 我希望大家敞开心胸, 以更包容的心态仔细的思考 他人的意见。 让我们求同存异, 团结一心, 创造一个更加美好的未来。

English Version

I. Participate in the election honestly

Getting up the courage to participate in the election is not an easy thing. Because some people will think I am against Snakye by mistake and even it is said to be conspiring to overthrow the president. When I think whether I will participate in the election or not, I have been feeling great pressure. Before the completion of this article, I did not even publicly declare that I am a candidate. This is my first like to apologize to the voters.

In fact, I very much respect Snakye as well as his contributions and fully believe that Snayke is an honest friendly person. From a personal perspective, I also put Snakye as a trusted partner. I hope that our election is between two honestly gentlemen, did not want to involve any imaginary information. I hope that this election was a fair competition, which is the essence of democratic politics.

As the incumbent president, Snayke is well-known and has three term accumulation of reputation and achievements as well as a wide range of public benefits. Compared with him, I began to have a huge disadvantage. I have a lack of presidential experience, no public benefits. In someone's opinion,I may be just an ordinary members of Congress.There are some persons who even do not know if I am a member. I'm only an ordinary player, in the cw Forum My id is seer, in the game ID is solotar. I know that the last few days Snayke frequent in the group showed a strong affinity to obtain a lot of extra supports; and I can only keep working my campaign articles, trying to let everyone know me better. For the incumbent president, he does not entail a lot of pressure to stand for election. I knew that some people may ask, hey, does the guy called solotar or seer have enough ability to participate in the election? Oh, this is what I want to tell you by this article. I hope you could read my whole article and undetstand me much better. After that,please give me a little encouragement.

II. Why should I stand for the election ?

Yes, why should I participate in the election? I explain the course of this:

First of all, a backwater of the election does not comply with the spirit of democracy. Snakye already a joint candidate of Serpentis and Juche. PRP and CDP as the congressional majority party should not be even a candidate willing to stand for election at all. I am willing to serve as candidates for PRP and CDP to exercise of democratic rights. My idea has also been recognised and encouraged by both of the party presidents.The most important thing is the process of this election. If I don't win, I still will continue to serve my country.

If you do not like me personally, you can look at my country's development vision, maybe you will like that idea; if you do not agree with my ideas, I hope you can stand up for me in good faith by giving me a little encouragement. I know that everyone has his own ideas. Snayke has his advantages. Of course, I also have my advantage.

If you read my article and think it over, at last you still think I am not the right one to lead the country. It doesn't matter. You could continue to vote Snayke. If my policy ideas can make you agree, please do not hesitate to vote me.

Secondly, only about fact discussion, in the state-run efficiency, communication efficiency, and personnel utilization, Snayke is certainly not beyond criticism. I don't want blame and I hate a barrage of criticism. I noticed a lot of questions and found that some problems that Snayke can not have a really efficient solution, but I am confident to lead a team to do better than him.

Thirdly, I have carefully read everyone's voice in the forums and QQ groups and Newpapers. A variety of voices, I have read, including the expectations of policy stability, for the diplomatic affairs, such as SOL issues, concerns whether or not we can have a smooth transition, including the unity of the foreign players on the Bilingual forum discussions, including newcomer issues, problems of the State-Owned-Companies, the hospital issues, etc., I have seriously considered. I think I can do with my team.

I support Snayke's current policies being developed, if I am elected, I hope that Snayke join in my Cabinet to hold important positions and to provide support for me, and I hope Snayke continue to serve as eChina's Representitive to SOL and be SOL's Chairman. I will keep stable and promote what Snayke have done about nation-building and plans at this stage all.(Someone worried about that in case Snayke not be elected, he will give up eChina and even enmity with China. NO. I believe he is definitely not such a person, he would put national interests above everything else, to support the new government, and bear important work). I welcome more foreign players into our eChina family. At the same time I will propose more RL Chinese players to participate in eGovernment work. I will draw up concrete plans to address the urgent need to the various domestic kinds of problems.

Fourth, I know there are some discussions about Snayke recently. I must declare that I oppose to extreme nationalism and sectarianism. I believe and understand Snayke's innocence, integrity and difficulties. All I hope that this election is based on fair competition. This is not only the principles of a candidacy, but also the principles of a man.

After thinking about these four points, I think I have reasons to participate in the presidential election.

III. No One Was Born a President. Please Give Me the Opportunity to Serve You.

Some said no one could do better than current president. Some said loosing Snayke would worsen eChina’s situation. If I win the election, I will lead our eNation not by myself, but a team, a team which unites all the potential friends and helpers, including our current president Mr Snayke. Snayke is going to play an important role in new government to serve his beloved eChina.

We will unite everyone including foreign friends to make a strong and effective team. In this game I get to know many foreign friends who love eChina a lot. At the same time quite a number of local young players from cweb, 5f6f, s1liwu, sc, Fudan and Shuimu have joined us. Many of them are professionals in real life in all kinds of fields. For a better eChina, we need you! United, we are strong!

Again I would declare that: running for president is not by me only, but by a team. This team will include my supporters, and non-supporters who’s willing to make contribution to eChina. Any ecitizen can join our new government as long as he’s willing to participate in administration works, regardless of his language or professional.

For myself, I have lots of experience and knowledge in company management, financial systems, and international political situation in erepublic. I am still a freshman to be a president. I am not a superman, but our eChina have all kinds of talents. I do believe that as long as we united together, work together, our new government can run much better.

Managing a eNation can not be done with one person’s capability. We should discover talents with their capability fully exerted. We should united players with different culture background to form an efficient team. That is real management of eNation.

It is no doubt that Snayke is a duteous president. Within his three terms he has responded to people’s voice quite actively (e.g. Contract for eChinese Nation-owned Organizations; Cabinets, State owned enterprises). His management of central bank is clear and clean. However, being a duteous president is not enough for eChina. He must think deeply to solve the key problem first. Mr Snayke has not done well in this point. His program of governance is merely a continuation of his previous system, which does not give us a new look.

It can not be evaded that at present echina still has many problems. For example, the guidance and support for newbies are not enough; the operation of state-owned enterprises is not mature enough; the central bank has a lack of rapid response capability. These problems have been there for quite a long time, but until today there is no clear solutions and proposed executive process. We are tolerant, we can wait, and have been waiting a long time, but it can not be said that is the shortcoming of the current Government’s implement.

Besides, many valuable suggestions can not be translated and delivered to the President; a lot of local talents, limited by their English, are not able to participate in politics because our president didn’t discover them. I have no intention to criticize present Government. But addressing the current problem is to make our Government to progress.

My main points and the main advantages:

I agree with Snayke’s policies and will ensure the continuity of policies. I will support Snayke to continue to represent China in the SOL, and as its Chairman.
I will focus on the domestic construction, fully listen to people’s voice, modify the policies do not fit the status accordingly.
I will increase the communication with citizens, and help communication between players in different languages for better understanding and trust.
I welcome all citizens who love eChina to join our Government, in order to contribute to the construction of eChina.

I was able to provide better communication with more citizens. I can read and learn more of the Chinese proposal.
I will know more Chinese players personally, and will expand governments to allow more players to join us.
I recognize the strength of the team and will strengthen management, organization and talents-usage so we can increase the efficiency of our team.
I respect the power of the media. I will organize people to translate foreign articles, emphasized that the communication between international players within the game.
As a member of the majority party in Congress, our cabinet program will get more support in Congress for pass.

IV. Let Us Unite As One

Here, allow me to introduce myself simply.

I born in Beijing, capital of eChina in May. At that time, eChina is still a sparsely populated, economically backward country. The first days are always tough, I tried to work, but received only modest pay. In order to obtain better development, by my firends funding, I went to study in eSpain. There, I learned the rules of this eWorld, and aspire to contribute eChina into a prosperous country, so that people can enjoy a happy life.

In mid-June, I went back home, with the help of friends created a Seer Group, started company operations in Beijing in oil. I believe that this will contribute to domestic economic development. In the June 25 parliamentary elections, I was honored to be elected as Congressman, was the beginning of my political career. (For details please refer to my article "Running for Congress" , "The road of a congressman")

I am committed to promoting economic development and put forward a number of tax cut motion proposals, I hope through market means to make more efficient allocation of our limited resources. I am concerned about the living conditions and proposed the new minimum wage law, newcomer fees, and intend to offer tickets support to the new citicens who want to go abroad to study. Thank you for the trust, let me re-elected as congressman in July and Aug, I can continue to serve this great eCountry.

Ever since I came to this colorful eWorld, Snayke on as president to lead our eCountry. He performed well his responsibilities, and in the diplomatic arena has made great achievements. As the founder and Chairman of SOL Union, he greatly improved the eChina's position in the international arena. These achievements, he will always be remembered by us.

With the development of the eCountry, eChina's percentage of the population has changed, the RL Chinese players gradually become the mainstream. In this case, we need a knowledge of English and Chinese, two languages of the president, to better promote the country's non-governmental exchanges. Language should not be an obstacle to the game, eRepublik belongs to the worldwild loved its people. In one hand, we regret to see that some enthusiastic English-only-speaking players in national affairs, has not been understood by RL Chinese gamers, English-only-speaking congressmen were excluded from the Chinese discussion. On the other hand, we regret to see many Chinese-only-speaking players can not be understood by our President Snayke. In fact, eChina should belong to all citizens, regardless of what he was talking the language.

I just started the oil business, operating the most difficult times, a Juche Party member came to my company, just call for a minimum salary, until my career on track. His friendly moved me, even though some of Juche extremists steal the national treasury, and I still believe, Juche being, there are many players are working for eChina with quiet dedication. Although we speak different languages, there are differences in some matters, but we are not enemies of each other. The door of communication between us was always open, unless you have closed your heart.

In my road from newcomer to congressman, I met a lot of like-minded players, many of the lovely kind friends, you are my motivation to carry on.

Let us unite together to build our eCountry. We congressmen will discuss development of the eCountry, we workers will work hard together. When faced with the threat, let us fight together to defend our beloved homeland. In this process, I would like to contribute more.

eChina's future lies in new citizens. However, when they joined, the face of an unfamiliar world, the loss of time; hard work, but the time is still hungry; for language distressed, it is difficult to understand the world's rich and colorful, shall we do something for them?

We need a complete nercomer guide, good financial support, as well as exciting Newspapers. To that end, I have actively guide newcomers to provide tickets, established Chinese-language newspaper publications, organize translation of English-language newspaper. However, to make all these things better, we need more staff involved and makes the individual behavior organized, make short-term actions permanent. We need to look into our brothers and sisters around us.

We have a prototype of the Cabinet, but to the maturity of the operation from the cabinet, there is a long way to go. Governance of a country, after all, is not ONE person can complete the work. The president needs to guide the work of the Cabinet to take on more and give out more power to the cabinet. President of the country needs to have their own thinking and greater expectations of the people, not just the completion of the national requirements.

That is why, after careful consideration, I decided to participate in the presidential election in the hope of the country's development, and to assume more responsibility. Snayke is a due diligence president, but the country needs a different voice. We need to improve the internal organizational system, the need to promote domestic economic development, need to focus on the national game fun, the need to promote the infomation exchange of players from different cultural backgrounds.

Competition under a democratic system, there will be no losers, the election itself is a victory belongs to the people. I hope that we UNITE AS ONE to build our eCountry. I am proud that I have served this great eCountry, and now I would like to do more. Are you willing to support me, and work together?

V. Here is my governing plan:

1,Build up a uniform bilingual communication platform for citizen's participation in politics

Up to now, Chinese players crowd at Cwebgame forum. Because of the language barrier, many non-Chinese speaking background players who showed their enthusiasm for politics can't join the discussion. It makes some misunderstandings. And the congressmen of Juche Party, are indeed excluded from the discussion of national policy.

We need a uniform bilingual communication platform for citizen's participation in polotics. With the platform,before the proposal congressmen can communicate with each other and get the final consensus. This will help to improve the quality of the proposal and promote understanding among congressmen. The construction of eChina require the active participation of all citizens without any exception, of course including Juche. The admin of Cweb has provided a number of specific and feasible plans.

2,Regularly domestic and international news

We need to focus on common gaming fun. Common players need to know more about the erepublik world. eChina need a department of news (National News Center) and an official newspaper as a government spokesman. It must be published in both Chinese and English,contains the operation of government so that people understand the development of the country. This has a crucial importance for increasing players' fun and keeping their passion.

3,More comprehensive support for newbie

We have to update New Citizen Message,so that new citizens understand the basic operation of the game, the country's basic conditions, as well as where to seek help. A Ministry of Education will be established for editing bilingual novice game tutorials and answer questions.

Ministry of Welfare will be given additional responsibilities include: to provide bread, gifts and moving tickets and other necessary supplies to support them through a difficult time before level 6.

4,The maturing operation of Cabinet

A lot of work of nation-building needs more than a small number of people to complete.We need to recruit more players to join the cabinet departments, along with the country's development.
Cabinet needs more power and support to complete their work.
These include, but are not limited to:
Gradually improved economic policies, the building of a timely response of the central bank, issued a national military command, the organization People's Liberation Army, and actively extensive diplomatic activities and communicates with other nationals.
At the same time, before the contract system of state-owned organizations, as well as other work, but also need to be continued in order to achieve the policy stability and continuity.

Our new cabinet will has not only four ministries and ministers, but also increase the number of ministries and sectors (such as the Public Information Ministry, Ministry of Education, etc), expanding staffing, and clear responsibilities for the various departments and specific division of labor. Therefore, we need more players have the ability to join us. Let us unite to build a more prosperous eChina!

5, some other departments may be established

Institute of Economic Research, providing economic analysis and investment recommendations;
Military Intelligence Department, the analysis of world military trends provide a basis for the administration's foreign policy; Construction Planning Bureau, to study the country's major regions, consider the running of hospitals and defense facilities; other departments will also be demand-driven consider setting.

Finally, I would like to sincerely say to you all

Everyone's ideas have some basis, inevitably there are some problems. I hope that we open
our hearts to a more accommodating attitude towards the views of others, careful thought.
Let us set aside our differences UNITE AS ONE to create a better future.