[CH/EN] 東亞和平高峰會公告 Details of East Asian Peace Summit

Day 1,666, 02:02 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Donki Lu




討論場地定於irc rizon上的#eAsia,當天會解鎖,歡迎各位旁聽。




Donki Lu

Dear citizens and friends,

the East Asian Peace Summit will be hold at 10:00 PM on Jun. 13th.( GMT+8 ) The main topic is about the war and peace possibilities between eROC and eSK, also about the future of the two nations. The irc chatroom #eAsia will be the place of negotiation, and the banning of Taiwan IP will be lifted, so feel free to attend the summit.

However, to maintain the order of the conference, only representatives of each nation have the right of speech. If you want to discuss with other citizens or propose a proposal to representatives, please go to #ptt_formosa at the same time, there you'll find the representatives.

Thanks for your attention,

vice minister of MoFA of eROC

Donki Lu