[Asgard MU] Week 14 and Activity

Day 2,329, 13:27 Published in Norway Norway by bATRA

Asgard Military Unit was founded at eRepublik day 2,297. Since then it has served Asgard, with soldiers from every member nation. Anyone can join, our two requirements can be found from link below.

Join Asgard!

Bulletin Board of Asgard

- This week we got 3 new members, welcome TheJuliusCaesar, Tobias Hansen and TehMessias!

- Week was quiet regarding operations, we only had one. Waiting for Asgard wars to continue!

- We started to move soldiers to inhabit 2nd regiment, lead by TheJuliusCaesar.

- Thinking about better name for MU have been started again, to prevent further confusion between Military Unit and Alliance, when speaking about "Asgard".

Few words about activity

We have noticed, that some members are struggling to even complete Daily Order every day, while others are doing that and a lot more every day. In my opinion doing DO daily should be first step in getting better soldier in eRepublik, along with upgradin training grounds. It may not be easy, it takes some food to achieve, but it is not impossible.

Thus I want to encourage soldiers to contact Commander to clarify your current situation. More discussion about this on feed!

After discussing with Commander you may get offered following things:
- More food to complete DO.
- Loans for Training Grounds upgrades.
- Move to other company, for small increase in wage to "pay the bills".

Crew of Asgard MU

Commander: Fettis
2nd Commanders: TheJuliusCaesar & Kain Propan
Captain: Jussi PK Jernkuuk

Without forgetting support of Asgard HeadQuarters!

We are always looking for more people interested in making us better military unit.

Aim to complete Daily Order every day!

Be active and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it!

Have fun in eRepublik, this is just a game!

- Asgard MU