[Apollo4PP]What am I doing?

Day 2,182, 09:41 Published in USA Poland by Apollo221

I like to keep it simple. I dont like to use fancy 10 dollar words, or have to explain in large paragraphs my decisions. I like to answer the question and get on with it. So without further ado...

I am Apollo221, as if you didn’t know, and I want to run for Party President.

Lets start out with my goals.

1.Create a ranking system for S.H.I.E.L.D. to allows players to progress into leadership roles.

2.Keep Feds on the map in media from not just The Federalist Press but articles made by party members.

3.Increase activity through R&R and the Fun Department with events and activities.

I have chosen these people for my cabinet because I know they can get the job done. I trust them to do their job and have complete confidence in their ability to do so.
Cabinet: (Crew)

Vice Party President: Kelly J. Brown

"Kelly is awesome and will do awesome things. There are some other people too. They’re alright I guess."
Ok, time to be serious. Kelly J. Brown is a great addition to any cabinet. I need someone to tell me what they think without worrying about anything. If I am making the wrong decision, she is the person that can tell me. She will be there when I can not and I trust her judgement.

Chief of Staff: MelissaRose

Chief of Staff must be stern and experienced. Melissa Rose fits that bill perfectly.

(Ground Control)

R&R: DrLuisSentieiro

FedEx: AlexJ1890

Political Director: AlexJ1890

Media Director: Kelly J. Brown

Director of Fun: dk3dknight

Director of FBI: Kody5

Director of Tech: Blondeninja

Director of Lazy Douches: Tyler Bubblar