[AFA] About discrimination and hypocrisy

Day 2,565, 15:09 Published in USA USA by Toto Schillaci

Nearly six months ago the American Freedom Alliance made a deal with the DHS that we have abided by completely. All of the conditions that we agreed to continue to be met.

At no point have we ever threatened the current Top 5.
We have remained in our own party and have not attempted to take over any others, nor have we ever moved people for that purpose. Similarly, we have disassociated ourselves with a former leader who is no longer a party member. We have also not created any illegal accounts and most of our remaining members are longtime players.

We have even gone out of our way and done more by organizing a new American MU which strictly follows DOD orders. Our party has done absolutely everything asked of us for an extended period of time, and has never done anything to even remotely violate the agreement that we made in good faith with the eUS government.

Nearly every CP candidate asks us for votes when election times comes around, which would suggest that we have now established ourselves as a “legitimate” party in the eyes of the powers that be, yet the recent actions on the eUSA forums would suggest otherwise.

For the past two cycles we had made an agreement with the Federalist Party leadership for one seat in exchange for our support. This is the same deal that the Socialists usually make, and a perfectly reasonable one. We of course know that if we violated IES rules that a handful of illegal approvals would not be worth ruining the agreement and trust we had worked for months to build up, so there was absolutely no incentive for us to break our end of the agreement.

Despite this, a law was proposed on the eUSA Forums which stated that any member of the AFA is banned from ever being run for Congress, as well as all ethnic Serbs. This law was passed by a margin of 3-1.

People should be deeply troubled at the sort of message this sends. It shows a lasting discrimination, hatred, and even elements of racism to it. How is one identified as an AFA member? The current Federalist Party President was a member of our party for many months after all.

Any Serbian “PTO” elements have long since left these shores. All that remains is a diverse group of AFA members, that happens to have some real life Serbs as members who have chosen to remain here. Regardless of nationality or party membership, we all deserve to be treated as Americans.
It is unjust that the agreement we have made has not only been violated by pressuring a party leader to renege on a deal he made with us after witnessing our long-held good conduct, and that an actual law very loosely targeting people not only by their political affiliation, but by their very DNA has been approved by the eUS Congress on the forums.

It is a tremendous hypocrisy to say that it is safe to ask for our votes for Country Presidential elections, but yet say it is a great danger for us to be a part of Congressional Elections. It is a tremendous hypocrisy to say that AFA is Serbian PTO threat when eUS is every minute closer to MPP with eSerbia.

We have far more to lose than we have to gain by not following all the policies in place for Congressmen, and this sort of “law” reeks of discrimination, rather than being done for national security reasons. There is a difference between security and trust and discrimination and paranoia. Any reasonable observer would see this as what it is.

No matter what we do, and no matter how hard we work to show we are good contributing members of this community, we are given unfair, inequitable treatment in eUS society. Simply put, it is wrong, and it is not what this country is supposed to be about.