[A Little More Raw] First Lady Clorofila Part 2 & 3

Day 3,063, 21:26 Published in Norway Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Welcome back to my interview series, 'A Little More Raw' and thanks for being patient for me to release the other parts. It was originally decided that it be put out in 3 parts based on Clorofila's past, present and future however we thought we would be able to wrap Part 2 & 3 into this final interview.

If you haven't read Part 1 yet you can do so by clicking here.

1.You have added another stamp to your ePassport recently by moving to Norway. Can you tell everyone why you chose to come to Norway?
I wanted to visit Norway long ago, but when i tried, here, you were under the chilean take over and you were a bit worried about foreigners. I decided to wait until the moment would be right and i told the norwegian government that if they need me i would help militarily and financially. Then i got closer to Yanisin and i wanted to be in Norway, like a citizen, which he agreed.

2. You have drawn a lot of attention for being the very first, First Lady of Norway. What do you make of the title and has it brought on any more responsibilities for you?
Well… I have been First Lady before, but with Yanisin is VERY different. He tries that my steps into Norway go bit by bit, to be accepted and respected, not only because i am an old player, but to participate deeper with each step, to secure the present and future of this nation.

Yani asks me about certain matters and looks for my help and opinion. I am not a nosy eWife. I don’t even talk to parties or congressmen when elections are close. If he’s busy I don’t insist on getting his attention. My participation is focused on Yani’s party (cultural matters) and in building a different way to play eRepublik. We are working, in general, on a cultural twist, starting in eNorway. If I show myself with a sudden rush of boredom, Yani immediately finds me a task haha.

3. You have lived in many nations during your time in eRepublik and many of them very briefly. Is it safe to assume you will not be in Norway for that long?
Hell, yeah, I am a wanderer. But now I am with Yanisin ( we are doomed, like he says). I would love to stay in Norway and make it my homeland. But that depends on my relationship with Yanisin and how far i am involved in politics here on one side, on the other side if any ally or friend need me I’ll be there, but I won’t decide alone, I would talk to my eHusband to think what the best is. Recently I have stepped down some offers to be part of different governments, I am doing some tasks but not deeply involved, just External Advisor.

4. Presently you hold no political positions in Norway but you do have plenty of experience. Are you planning to get more involved in the community politically speaking?
I trust in Yanisin and he guides me and takes care of me like a doll. I would like to be more involved, of course, I am a politician with a profound experience in international affairs (I was part of the HQ of EDEN and Asteria) but I will follow my eHubby’s advices. Norway has been deeply wounded in its core and I am learning to play under his vision. Even when I agree with it on the whole, he’s clearer about how to achieve it so I lean on him and to be guided. I am tired of playing the strong woman. I feel exhausted, honestly. He protects me.

5. eEurovision has just wrapped up in Geneva and Norway finished at a distant 15th place. As a musician do you think you might be inclined to write a song and represent Norway at the next competition scheduled to be held in Sweden?
I think that Norway has wonderful musicians RL to have me like a fair representative even in a game like eRepublik. I might compose something if the inspiration and better understanding of Norway grow in me as knowledge. Anyhow I think that we could choose among RL norwegian musicians. Currently I feel that I am rather below possible expectations to participate in a contest of that sort.

6. Norway is a small nation and is greatly dependant on friendly relations with her neighbours and maintaining good global diplomatic relations. Do you have any suggestions on how to evolve Norway into a successful nation in despite her small population?
Actually i don’t have original ideas. The game is losing many valuable players because they don’t find his/her place or their possibilities to improve and progress are diminished for not using a credit card. At present, a baby-boom is not possible, so I think that it might a good idea what you, in Norway, are attempting nowadays, that is to invite foreign trustable players to be part of the norwegian community in order to revive it and make it way more active in eRepublik.

Different things i am thinking:

Soon, we should see how our closest nations can help us to get a few more regions to increase production bonuses, to persuade foreigners to settle down here, or perhaps to buy in our market, also changing some taxes. There should be a small system of tutors, organized by the government, to guide newbies that recently start, like a one-on-one, in different modules: economic, military, politics, journalism/communication (newspaper, IRC), and so on.

Also, we could organize an ambassador’s program to send people to particular countries in order to allow those players to get involved in international politics, learn and have contacts, and to have fresh information at any time of the headlines of those countries.

7. As many know the alliance shakeups have begun and it is likely the new alliances will start to be born soon. What do you think the future alliances should look like and do you think Norway should be trying to join one of them?
For now Norway is fine like a neutral country. Being in an alliance has consequences, like mandatory MPPs that could be useful if they really work when a war occurs, also being a member we should follow international military orders, etc, etc.

Even neutral, Norway has the freedom to choose signing MPP or not and to speak respectfully and apart of prejudices with any nation, without considering a potential enemy.

8. What worries you the most about the future of eRepublik?
Nothing, it’s a game. If the moment to leave comes, i will shut down and i will miss a couple of good friends. Some of them are contacts in Facebook, whatsapp or Skype, so we could talk from time to time.
This game gave me the best: the social module and i keep close to my heart the finest people I met.

9. Can you tell us something you hope to achieve in the future either in your RL or elife?
Short & sweet.
eLife: Yanisin 4 good
RL: someday to get to meet personally Yanisin to look directly into his eyes while we talk and laugh. Sing for him live not through a mic from the loooonngggg distance.

10. And just for fun, I usually end my interviews by asking which country if any, you would like to see added to eRepublik next?
Can’t choose one… Algeria Morocco Libya Madagascar Ecuador Guatemala Iceland, to name a few.

This concludes Part 2 & 3 of my interview with the First Lady. Thank you to Clorofila for agreeing to do this interview and to everyone who has read it. If you could please subscribe I would really appreciate it. Im on a personal mission to get that Media Mogul without buying subscribers!

As always don't forget to V,S,S&E!

Kind Regards,