Ambient on/off

투 클릭커 하면서 제일 귀찮은것 2가지 ....

9 Day 1,963, 16:52 Published in South Korea South Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

1. 봇방지 메일

2. 창고 비우기

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골드를 빌려주엇는데 ㅜㅜ

21 Day 1,925, 17:42 Published in South Korea South Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

몇달쨰 못받고잇어요 !!

이리퍼블릭은 이런식으로 빌려간 골드를 안 돌려줄떄 어떻게 대응하나요 !!?

p.s 빌려간분이 착한분이라서 ㅜㅜ

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감사합니다 플라토님

4 Day 1,883, 03:24 Published in South Korea South Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

어제 하루밴 넣으셧죠? ㅎㅎ 어젠 제가 너무 열받앗엇네요

하지만 기간이 되기 4시간전에 풀어주시니 눈물 찍찍 콧물 짜르륵

감사합니다 플라토님

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My 2 Food event ( 채력 5000 ) ( 신문 잘쓰기) (이밴트)

10 Day 1,882, 04:57 Published in South Korea South Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

ESK 에 어울리고 재미잇는 이리퍼블릭의 한국 역사 혹은 세계사를 재미잇게 써주시는 분꼐 체력 5000 치의 빵을 드립니다
그외 V+S 하시면 빵 몇개? 10개 ! (q5)

1분만 뽑아영

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빵 이벤트 ^_^ 결과

3 Day 1,881, 02:40 Published in South Korea South Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

빵은 총 4분이 보내주셧네요

Merkury2 has transferred 9 Food to your storage.

Ahn Lee has transferred 110 Food to your storage.

cleeo has transferred 1111 Food to your storage [1천개가 최대이므로 111개 돌려드렷습니다 ]

lucky789 has transferred 777 Food to your

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